Are UFO’s Fact or Fiction?

by The wanderer 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mariusuk.

    The chances are at this moment in time we are actually alone in the universe (as in a highly evolved technological race)

    I do have good reasons for this thinking

    So no I do not believe in et flying ufo's

  • rwagoner

    Did you ever see Rosie O'Donnell ? Carrot Top ? Ever watch American Idol or America's got talent try-outs ?

    Oh they're here all right ! (and they're all Freemasons)

    ......runs to adjust the tin foil wallpaper and get more Preparation-H !

    (satire switched off)

  • Mariusuk.

    Problems I have with E.T Intelligent life

    a) Ok there are billions of billions of stars, but as far as we know certains conditions are required for basic life, quite tight conditions to be fair

    b) Assuming that a proportion of stars have planets with the attributes to support life, a high proportion of those planets will have conditions which make just existing a challenge

    c) Even IF a number of planets have ideal conditions that does not automatically mean intelligent life will evolve, if billions of years of life on this planet only one species has reached technological evolution. The dinosaurs were around for hundreds of millions of years and never reached that level

    d) Assuming some planets are ideal and do produce a technological advanced race they may have destroyed themselves once they reached nuclear level

    e) Assuming that some planets do not succumb to point d they could also be wiped out by disease, natural disasters etc

    f) Even then if all of the above have been met the planets which fit the criterias may be just at our level, below our level or may have reached that level a hundred million years ago and are now extinct

    If you do the equations there is every chance that only a few intelligent species may exist in the universe at any one time even in a universe of almost countless stars

    This is before you come to difficulties in traversing an extremely large universe, why would an alien come to earth unless they felt there was a need to? If you work on the basis that they have detected our radio waves we have only been releasing them for a hundred or so years, with light travelling at........light speed that still means that only a handful of stars could have possibly received them which gives our "catchment area" a very limited scope. If you work on the basis that using spectrometers they have detected water which increase the chances of possible life then they still would have to be within a close distance, the nearest star is Proxima Centauri which is 4.3 light years away which means even travelling at approx 186,000 miles a second it would still take 4.3 years to reach us and according to einstein light speed is the speed limit of the universe, yes maybe a really advanced race can overcome this but that is pure speculation with no basis

    Last of all why after travelling this ridiculously huge distance would an alien then decide to land in a cornfield, abduct a dumbass redneck and abuse him anally?

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Mariusuk:

    I cannot claim to be an expert or authority
    regarding life in this or any other universe.

    You have many questions which I would like
    to commend you for—for simply being a critical
    thinker and showing a healthy amount of skepticism.

    I leave the possibilities open when it comes
    to this or other similar subjects.

    However, I will direct you to a source which
    I think is creditable, but email the author
    if you have further questions or doubts.

    The contact information is in the bottom
    left hand column.


    The Wanderer

  • Mariusuk.

    The Wanderer

    I try to keep an open mind with this kind of thing (I love star Trek, Star gate etc) and will give that link you posted a good viewing

    One I noticed immediately

    Whenever you see the often blurry photographs of alleged ufo's have you noticed how they reflect Hollywood's version of what ufo's look like at the time?

  • funkyderek


    A researcher has determined the UFO's and aliens can only be interdimensional much like spirits to us, rather than physical spacecraft.

    Interdimensional being another word for nonexistent.

  • Mariusuk.


  • brinjen
    Last of all why after travelling this ridiculously huge distance would an alien then decide to land in a cornfield, abduct a dumbass redneck and abuse him anally?

    That's what I would like to know! Imagine the technology they would need to travel here from whatever planet they're from. You'd think they would visit a University or something. Do they have a fetish for corn perhaps?

    Nah, I'm a skeptic.

  • Mariusuk.

    I am skeptical that you are a skeptic

  • brinjen

    I'm skeptical that you're skeptical that I'm a skeptic

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