The Origin of Fear

by purplesofa 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    Got another cigarette?

    No, but I'll share.

    Thank-you all ---for the most beautiful thread.

  • nvrgnbk

    No, thank you purps.

    I had no idea.

  • purplesofa
    This is easy to say, but a lot of stuff can arise that is being held tightly onto, and this can unfold as a great deal of fear. It's as if the false self does not want to die, and so self-preservation mechanisms can sometimes kick into high gear.

    We fight to keep the only thing we know. For me there was a panic and a great deal of anxiety. And Confusion.

    This time reading Tolle's book I have a better foundation to work with of understanding. I am less consumed with the hurts and pains of the past. Its amazing how little memory I have of the past, as so much time of my life's past was running to the future. I was in a hurry to be out of the NOW.

    Living in the now, time seems to much slower, yet as Tolles brings out in his book, there is no time in the Now.

    The heightened awareness is making me unable to stay confused, I am more connected, spontanious, alive.

    I have been here before, sparse times in my life, but I was very vulnerable and retreated. I don't know why or how I have brought myself to a safer place. I don't feel the need to dissect that. Answers will come when they come.

    If any lurkers, or people who doubt that JW's have the true answers to helping you live the most fulfilling life you can have. If you have ventured this far into reading the board and this thread. I recommend reading this book--The Power of Now, Spirit of the Anatomy, In Search of Christian Freedom, ComBatting Mind Control, and trust your instints. Let some of that raw natural intuition thats in you speak and listen. Step out of the box, leave your comfort zone, spread your wings and grow. Trust yourself, its a wonderful journy.


  • purplesofa

    i was able to watch this video of tolle's earlier this afternoon.(used headphones)

    It goes along with the information in the book. Amazingly, it did not seem at all like 1.5 hrs long to me at all.

    Was anyone else able to watch it? Comments?


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