I fear this is a lesson in futility.
One camp holds the Bible as the primary authority on chronology. The other holds secular sources as primary.
When confronted with data that conflicts with the status quo, a biblical chronologist will reject or attack the data while a secular chronologist will examine the data and revise if necessary. I believe this to be the fundamental difference.
Scholar will hold Biblical sources above all others, conflicting secular sources *must* be wrong to him. The rest of us will revise chronology if new evidence is found.
I think that Scholar upholds bilical sources above others is commendable and shows that he has has great faith. I would believe the bible above all other secular beliefs when it came to the nitty gritty because it is Gods word. I am sure Jesus would also as he always had enough faith to trust and quote from the scriptures even though it was from imperfect man, because he believed it to be inspired of God.
Jesus never trusted on book and distrusted all others. as tim says ALL scripture is inspired of God. Jesus believed that. Human errors are made but nothing takes away from the essence of Gods Message. Gods Kingdom.