You said:
WT chronology produced by 'celebrated WT scholars is far from doomed. Rather, it is the demonic and absurd secular chronologies that support 586/587 BCE that are doomed because these chronologies misrepresent God's Word and are full of deceit. What is more important unlike wiley poztates is that loyalty and integrity are important qualiies of the True Religion which completely escapes those who love the lie rather than the truth.
Prove the deciept! Show us an example!! I will however be happy to show you Watchtower Deciept which I posted a while ago on another thread. How can you explain this away Scholar?? Who is decieving who???!!??
(Note: Since the Society holds to the 607 date as Jerusalems destruction, it throws off every other date in the Watchtower history by 20 years. Take a look at any date before or after that period and compare it to Archeological findings, and the Watchtowers date is always off by 20 years! See the example below.)
I just made this chart for my brother-in-law using the Bible as well as the book entitled Assyrian & Babylonian Chronicles by A.K. Grayson printed in 1975. Grayson is a world renound expert used to decipher the Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles for the British Museum. I checked out this book from the local library. Although they had to send away to a College University for it. A interesting note: the Society uses this very book in the Insight Vol.2 under Nebuchadnezzar to support their dates. When I got this book, it was for the purpose of checking their dates and quotes of this author. As you will see by this chart, they have misquoted him to serve their own deceitful purpose! I included scriptures that support the chronicles. Like I said, I made this for my brother-in-law, but thought someone out there might be able to use it.
(Note: page 2 of the above thread has the actual scans from the books...PROOF of Watchtower Deciept!)
These copies show the out and out deception on the part of the organization. Once again, we find proof of them misquoting different scholars in order for the organization to appear to have credentials for proof of their date system. If I never checked their date out and never had any reason to doubt them, then I would have never have seen the deception. Hope someone will benefit from these as much as we have.
See scanned copy of Insight Book page 480, which reads :
In this his accession year he returned to Hattu, and "in the month Shebat [January-February, 624 B.C.E.] he took the vast booty of Hattu to Babylon." (AssyrianandBabylonianChronicles, by A. K. Grayson, 1975, p. 100)
Now look at the actual scanned page from this very book I checked out from the library. Page 100 Notice there is NO date!! Look closer at the Insight Book Scan. In brackets they insert the date 624 B.C.E. inside the quotation marks. Clearly anyone reading this would never question that the date 624 B.C.E. was actually the date given by this renouned scholar.
Then, lets look at scanned page 19 from this same book. Notice what date A.K. Grayson DOES give: 605 B.C.E. NOT 624 B.C.E.!!! Interesting that the Society has to alter the Battle of Carchemishs dates because they have changed the date of the destruction of Jerusalem.
I posted the scanned copy of page 19. Under Chronicle 5 notice what A. K. Grayson states is Nabopolassars 21st year. It says 605! Now look in Jeremiah 52:12, it says the destuction of Jerusalem took place in Nebuchadnezzars 19th reignal year. The Society teaches 607 was the year for Jerusalems destruction, and they teach it was Nebuchadnezzars 19th reignal year. O.K.....How is A.K. Grayson supporting 607 if he states that Nabopolassars 21st year was in 605?? Please now tell me A.K. Grayson is NOT in agreement with 586/587??
You can request the book for your library to see for yourself! I will get more scans from the office for you like you requested.