Most Ex-JWs R Not Active in the Anti-JW Community. Maybe 1%? Any thoughts?

by Seeker4 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • return visitor
    return visitor
    What about you newbies? How come you're here?

    Well I not a newbie, but i'm here because at some point i expect that this fading thing i'm doing is not going to work out and i will have to answer for my actions. I just want to defend my position. And while i know what it is i believe, it's not that easy to convince others. But some of the posts here are so logical its hard to deny. So i come to learn how to state thing in such a way as to convince others.


  • steve2

    The fact that most ex-JWs are not involved and or interested in ex-JW activity is hardly surprising. Most organizations consist of a hard core of active workers and a larger number of nominal members. If that's true for "official" organizations, how much truer it is for internet-based groups.

  • sf

    Do you think as the ex-JW community becomes more vocal, we'll draw more in?

    I'm not sure what you mean by "draw more in".

    If you mean draw them more to the truth of the matter(s)/ issues, than that is something that shouldn't be the sole responsibilty of the "ex-jw community". The active jws that actively participate here and elsewhere on the net, and off, bare an EQUAL RESPONSIBILTY in exposing the truth.

    In my strong opinion, THAT is what is lacking in MOVING THE TRUTH.

    I used to think of myself as part of the "exjw community". Yet today, I see that there really isn't such a community, persay. Much of that community spends a lot of time crying and coddling, as the policies of the Watchtower keep killing and terrorizing. I don't comprehend all that. It's maddening actually.

    If they would only, and simply dotheir part in exposing this death trap instead of waiting, waiting, waiting...........

    Years ago men like Randy and a host of others did the research and posted the facts for you, painstakingly. It is now, easily at your fingertips AND PRINTERS.

    It behooves you to act on what you know and to actively warn others.

    That is a "movement" I'm involved with IN MY COMMUNITY.

    This board is a community of information where you can arm yourselves with insurmountable facts.

    Take them and get out there with all you now know and stop crying about what you may lose. Suck it up. Many have lost their very lives. It's the least you can do....expose the fraud.

    sKally, who really will love reading the remainder of this thread, klass

  • minimus

    I think whatever comes NATURALLY is what will be. Not everyone is a Danny Hazzard.

  • TheListener

    I know many individuals who are no longer active. One of them held rather responsible positions in the org. and would have a lot to share with this "community". However, he has no interest in discussing the dubs or his personal thoughts on the matter.

    We are all different. I remain active here because I am hopeful my wife will eventually see the light. Until then I want to remain up to date on dub news and goings on. I get no information from my wife. I am always looking to arm myself with theocratic knowledge to weaken the WTBTS hold on my family.

    I, and I'm sure many others like me, can only be as active as our fade permits.

  • Seeker4

    Skally, yeah, I do some work locally as well.

    Being local is perhaps a big factor for my continued involvement here. I think it would have been quite different if I'd moved away. As it is, at least 10 times a week I drive by the Kingdom Hall for the congregation I was in for over 30 years. On the majority of my visits to the supermarket or downtown, I will see Witnesses I know, some of them formerly very, very close friends. There are three larger towns/cities within about 30 miles of my home, and nearly every time I visit them I'll see JWs I know.

    I go to two post offices on a regular basis, and both have JWs working at them, one of whom I studied with and brought into the Org.

    My girlfriend and I bought ice cream cones last weekend. As we were sitting eating them, a former JW friend of many years parked beside us. A little later we were downtown sitting at an outside cafe table finishing the cones when a carload of Witnesses out in service drove by us.

    With those consant reminders, it is very hard for me not to think of the Witnesses every day. At some point I would like to move far away and not have this be such a constant part of my life.


  • B_Deserter

    Perhaps a lot of ex-JWs see anti-witness activists as still being ruled by the WTS in a sense. They probably feel that not thinking about the witnesses will help them move on. I think though that a lot of us need help and support reintegrating ourselves into society. Most ex-JWs are already of the "worldly" mindset when they leave, so it's not as tough for them. It's also possible that most exJWs just don't hate the witnesses that much, especially if their transition was relatively easy.


    Seeker4..The WBT$ has programed most JW`s very effectivly,to filter out all outside information about the WBT$..They remain brainwashed even after fading..The ones who do find out about the WBT$ are extremely afraid to do anything about it,for fear of loss of family and friends.....That leaves just us,the 1%.....We are the ones making a difference..We are the ones who will make it easier for the other 99% to break free,if thats what they really want.....There will eventually be a larger percentage speaking out..But..Not without our help,support and patience...OUTLAW

  • Mulan

    maybe it depends on how many years you were involved in it, like: from birth? all of your adult life? or just a few years?

    Are your entire family, or most of it, still JW's?

    Did you have any social life outside of the JW's while you were one?

    How involved were you............really? Were you an elder, MS, pioneer, etc.

    Are you disfellowshipped or just faded away? Were you hurt by them, other than being lied to about it all?

    My husband is so much past it all. His parents are dead, his brother died too young, but was an ex JW, and the other brother won't speak to us. The rest of our family are all out, except for my mother, who doesn't shun us or give us a bad time about not being there anymore.

    We have lots of friends and a busy family life, so it's easy to just forget it all.

    All those things factor in.

  • Seeker4

    Agreed, Mulan. Those are all factors for me. Thirty-plus years in, very active, my mom, daughter and ex-wife still in - allof that adds up.


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