Most Ex-JWs R Not Active in the Anti-JW Community. Maybe 1%? Any thoughts?

by Seeker4 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    good topic. I know dozens of jw kids ( now in thier 30's-50's) including my siblings that were dragged to the hall as kids. and next to none of them being inactive want anything to do with jw's or xjw work. they just don't care and laugh it off. well a few weeks ago my sister calls me and tells me , the jw's called and she let them set up a study with her. and for me to please drive upstate and be there. with the promise of a big bbq after i wipe the floor with them. so this man and wife show up. i waisted no time . with a straight out attack on the wt. this lasted about 15 minutes. with the wife trying to defend the tower. i ended up talking to the husband alone in the back yard for over an hour. he had questions. and i gave him all i could without scaring him off. funny he looked up some of the stuff i gave him. and returned next week with another jw's and they both wanted to pick my brain. i went prepared with a copy of "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" and a few other books and printouts. i'll just say i was surprised how well it went. this man was very honest in wanting to know why the wt has been lying to him for 30 years. john

  • sammielee24

    Good job John! sammieswife.

  • 1914!

    Honestly, I am shocked that a website like this exists. I fell away from the truth around 5-6yrs ago. My mother still belonged, and she shunned me for a long time after I vocally expressed my disbelief in the teachings. I happened upon this website after joining my local newspaper's forum yesterday and seeing a thread on JW's started by Danny Haskel. Obviously this guy goes out of his way to get his message out being that he live in Maine and I'm in San Diego. A little background on my departure: One of the things that started to set the wheels in motion for my departure was my disappointment in how the elders handled a situation that I was involved in. Basically, when I was about 19 or 20, I was invited by my sister to a witness get-together on the beach. We basically drank around a bonfire and things got a little hairy, I offended someone that was drunk and got the crap beaten out of me. I lost a few teeth and was unconcious for god knows how long. My face was badly bruised and I just drove myself home later that night. The outcome was that the other brother involved in the fight was supposedly "reprimanded" and that was that. I'll never forget his name, Ryan Nelson. I was pretty disillusioned after hearing this. I thought they would do the right thing and DF this guy, especially after finding out he had a history of this kind of behavior. Nothing ever happened. I really think that was the turning point. I'm really pretty excited that I found this site and can't wait to call my mother up (I know, sounds stupid) and tell her a few things that I had NO idea about i.e the child molestation issues. She's moved from San Diego to Arizona (I wonder if this was an excuse to fall away from the meetings) and as far as I know, doesn't attend meetings. I after I left, I think that planted a few seeds and she has finally escaped most of the stranglehold the WTS had on her. Thank god my dad never bought into all this crap growing up! Its great to find others that have the same viewpoint and to know I was not alone!!!!

  • SPAZnik

    There are many, many causes one can be an activist for (or against).

  • SPAZnik

    Welcome to the forum, 1914!

  • 1914!

    Thanks Spaz!

  • 8675309

    Though I no longer attend the meetings and am pretty sure that being a JW isn't for me, I don't see why I have to actively argue against them. I think one reason people seek religion is to find some sort of peace. I would never be one to deny that to someone. If being a Jehovah's Witness makes someone happy then good for them!

  • DannyHaszard

    "Do not discount the power of one" WARNING TO THE WATCHTOWER RELIGIOUS RACKET To the best of my knowledge there is only ONE unique Danny Daniel Haszard in cyberspace the Haszard clan is all over the world we go back to medieval old English. The point is.... any search pages shown here and there are TENS OF THOUSANDS are going to be 98% anti-Watchtower cult pages,as this is my (Danny Haszard) primary mission. These are links made by me in a 5 1/2 year period all pages created individually and loaded up on the net by hand. GOOGLE SHOWS 31,000 PAGES YAHOO SHOWS 72,000 PAGES "DANNY HASZARD Theses results are INCOMPLETE and UNDERRATED as the indexing is slow keeping up with me I make dozens more everyday and NETWORK with other apostates ( this is the real scarypart for you Watchtower) I actually promote other colleague links like JWD, Freeminds and Silentlambs, ahead of my own home page Theses pages are on countless different servers and are cached forever as long as the Internet exist as long as civilization continues. We have IMMORTALITY yes the Watchtower lied when they promised me everlasting life,but I will get it anyway! Watchtower I will haunt you from beyond the grave! Make more new pages (like this one now) every day LOTS of em. I am a life long born 3rd generation JW with a typical Watchtower minimal (1975 era) education and 5 years ago didn't know how to turn the PC on.I am like a Jewish holocaust survivor turned Nazi hunter who will stop at nothing to demand justice.

    The watchtower has received over a dozen certified letters,and western union telegrams (back in the old pre-cyber days) in the last 15 years from me and has ignored my pleas for Justice.

    I am a WITNESS of the WATCHTOWER HOLOCAUST of family destruction.

  • Seeker4

    Welcome 1914! and 8675309.

    I was out in San Diego a couple of months ago. Loved it.

    I'm sure many would agree that you should just leave religion alone if you don't like it. Live and let live and all that.

    Others feel that religion, like any other group or person making extraordinary claims, should be challenged to put up or shut up. Its basic premises should be questioned and where lacking, exposed. That's my feeling. There's a ton of crap in this world, and lovers of truth and reason are the ones standing up against it. It's true in the medical field, in the sciences and pseudo-sciences, everywhere.

    If you make a claim, you ought to be able to provide some proof or evidence to back it up. Religion should be no exception. Anything that you base your life on, that can be a matter of life and death and that can dramatically affect the quality of your life and therefore the lives of people around you, ought to be subject to scrutiny and questioning, and ought to be able to defend itself.

    When parents can refuse livegiving proven medical treatment for a child, or tell their children not to go to college, or not to believe in accepted science, on the basis of a supernatural religious belief, they need to be called to task and asked to defend their views. And where those views and their reasoning is full of shit, someone ought to say so, loud and clear.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I see the active anti jw mindset to be the equivalent of going on a crusade to convince 3 year olds that there is no Santa Claus, all in the name of "truth." What's the point? Are there not enough real causes to be fighting for? I just don't place the same importance on religious beliefs as others, I guess.

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