I think it's easy to forget that our communication with others here can be very real. We're not just "posters". We're persons, real people--- and we have feelings and emotions. We have good days and bad days.
I've said many times that I very much doubt certain ones would express themselves the way they do if they were talking to you face to face. In real life, I'm no little guy, no minimus. Most persons would think twice before they would want to piss me off. But of course on a DB, I am just a harmless red dot, and that's just fine.
I think the problem comes about when we forget that we're talking or communicating with real people---not just "posters" that may not even be legit. It's a lot easier to express ourselves when we don't have to worry about actual physical confrontation. Still, I think that we must be aware of how others might feel about whatever we say here as there are a lot of fragile persons here in recovery. Of course, if someone acts trollish or continues to be disrespectful toward the group, we must admonish that one in the spirit of love.