An interesting related point, after my wife checked out the website yesterday I could tell it had her a bit down.
Later I commented on something she had done that I thought was quite clever and she retorted with:
"I guess I'm smarter than your average Jehovah's Witness" in a drawn out dopey voice.
It had never occurred to me how much we bash active witnesses just on the basis of their religion. I understand that there is alot of bitterness, hurt feeling and uncaring individuals in the witnesses. The leadership isn't looking out for their member's best interests and for the most part active witnesses are just misguided.
It doesn't make them stupid for belonging to a religion. Just misguided.
It was a big eye opener for me.
Ex-witnesses are branded as immoral, godless, vulgar husks of people by the witnesses. In my opinion, painting all witnesses with our stereotyped views is no different than their view of us.
People On This Board Have Feelings!
by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends
I think posting on a board also takes away that little bit of personal feeling or tone that's brought into a "real conversation".
I try to not be rude or mean to anyone and I do try to think of others feelings but I know sometimes my posts must come across more
aggressive then I realize. I've had people mention that they're afraid I'm going to be mean or rude to them.
If anything it's made me a little more aware of what I typed before I submit it, but I also think there are people who are easily offended and manage to read a little more into things than what's there. -
John Doe
There certainly exists a pack mentality on these types of boards. Para's mentioning of jw bashing is quite accurate. Realizing that most negative feelings towards jw's are rooted in negative personal experiences helps explain a lot. This doesn't take away from the fact that many attacks are over the top and self serving. Bragging on how smart people are for having "escaped" some religion is one readily apparent self serving statement often made here. I feel a need to defend witnesses at times for attacks they sustain from here, but have pretty much acquired an apathetic mood to the tone and thoughts perpetuated on this board. Defending the object of abject hatred accomplishes nothing, and simply involves one's self in arguments that are unwindable. Such is life.
Minimus..If you take things on this board personally you`ll drive yourself Crazy!!....LOL!!...OUTLAW
Ex-witnesses are branded as immoral, godless, vulgar husks of people by the witnesses. In my opinion, painting all witnesses with our stereotyped views is no different than their view of us.
Excellent point.
For me...the issue with JWs is not the people but the organiztion and it's leaders. The average rank and file member is just someone trying to please God the best way they know how.
Most of us here were in those same shoes at one time. I've never understood why there are venomous attacks on JWs as a people when they're no different than we were. You would think that would make us more sympathetic and understanding.
I guess the bitterness and anger of being ostracized and shunned causes some ex-JWs to lump all JWs into one group to be hated. But as you pointed out, doing so isn't any different than JWs as a group labeling all ex-JWs as evil.
That's why I feel most Witnesses are basically good people.
That's why I feel most Witnesses are basically good people.
Thank you, Anne Frank. And you know what happened to her...
Not long ago, in some other post, I pretty much said the exact same thing about taking people's personalities and sensitivities into consideration, but I GOT SHOT DOWN for saying it. I guess when a minimus says it, people agree. I basically was told this is not the WTS and to leave consideration for a poster's feelings out of it.
love covers over a multitude of sins minimus
Journey On, there are d*ckheads everywhere. What I think SOMETIMES happens though, is that some are afraid to offend almost anyone lest they get turned off. .......If you wanna be on a DB, you have to have a thicker skin----plain and simple.