I understand that there is alot of bitterness, hurt feeling and uncaring individuals in the witnesses.
yep, this is why I have been fading...because of the hurtful actions of a few power hungry elders.
...ironically, I may step up my activity (aka meetings) a bit because the fade is snowballing and I dont want to hurt close friends who are also JW.
My loyalty is not to the Watchtower Corporation, it is to my close friends that I grew up with, shared experiences with. Not that long ago, my blinders were firmly on. So I try to have empathy and I do not want to hurt them. Thus my reason for not leaving JW completely. (call me a hypocrite, I dont give a feeling have been hurt so many times I have a scab the size of Texas...bring it on)
The same goes for people on this board. I have only met one person on JWD so far in real life, and that was when we were both attending the same congo regularly. And back then, as an elder, I said and did things then that were hurtful to that person....because at the time I thought it was the right thing to do. I have since apologized but that can never change the past.
We are all real people sitting in front of computers..with real minds and hearts and feelings...sometimes pouring out our hearts and hoping for a listening ear and a nonjudgemental attitued. I hope we keep that in mind, even for those trolls who try our patience....but some do cross the line of good JWD decorum (and our standards are pretty liberal here) and they should be shown the door (and the mods do a good job of that, thank you all for that)
SnakesInTheTower (of the "is not an assh*le, has feelings too" Sheep Class)