NAME JUST ONE thing....ONE THING...revealed by God....

by Terry 284 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hibiscusfire


    A parent protects their children. If a disobedient child is about to play with matches will a parent let them go up in flames just to teach them a lesson?

    If the parent cares about the child, he will stop the child from playing with matches. The child is so stubborn he will not stop.

    So Terry what would you do? Please do not insinuate that I would let my child go up in flames. That would be total madness. But what I am saying is that if for some reason the child, after being warned about the dangers of the lit matches still go on ahead and lights them at a time the parent is not around or at least thinks the parent is not anywhere in sight what then? What would you say about that child?


  • Terry
    So Terry what would you do? Please do not insinuate that I would let my child go up in flames. That would be total madness. But what I am saying is that if for some reason the child, after being warned about the dangers of the lit matches still go on ahead and lights them at a time the parent is not around or at least thinks the parent is not anywhere in sight what then? What would you say about that child?

    I have a 16 year old son who suddenly developed a disorder that required just this sort of decision. It was terribly difficult to have to turn him over to outside help. But, he was his own worst enemy. It would have been unconscionable to simply allow him to self-destruct.

    The person who knows has the most responsiblity. The person with the power to act has the most responsiblity.

    Otherwise, you let the inmates run the asylum. This, apparently, is God's "plan".

  • hibiscusfire


    Isn't it ironic that people are curious by naturre, yet are condemned for using their curiosity. When a restriction is placed on someone doesn't curiosity inevitably arise? You can't have it both ways, to be given curiosity and then not be allowed to exercise it.

    Well poppers, when people are curious about something, most of the time they would ask questions or find out what would happen if they did this or if they did that. They would find out from other people who know the answers. On the other hand, there and then, at that moment in time or weakness, the curious one would want to take a chance...however a wise person would think once, twice or even thrice about it. What would that outcome be...would it hurt me or would it be ok?

    Sometimes there is this little voice inside us that gives us a feeling that we should or shouldn't do something. How do we know which to listen to? That is where God comes in. Not everything we tell ourselves to do is right and some of those voices are way misleading. They can kill us. There is evil and there is good. God is good. God can guide us into the right way. He will lead us when we ask for some guidance. I know you know what is bad.


  • hibiscusfire

    Terry: The person who knows has the most responsiblity. The person with the power to act has the most responsiblity.

    Otherwise, you let the inmates run the asylum. This, apparently, is God's "plan".

    God gave us choices. Can I just put it this way? You can lead the horse or a donkey to the water but you can't make it drink. Or you can take a person out from the gutter but you can't necessarily take the gutter out of them. God cannot be blamed for things He warned us about. If He says don't do it, why do it? And if He says to do such and such, why don't we? We are the ones who are at fault. All of us are at fault. All things are possible with God. Can't we exercise enough faith?

    Can you really compare God to the government on earth? The person who knows has the most responsibility. The person with the power to act has the most responsibility. Man in control but what are they doing? Man is more corrupted. Should we follow man? God gave man that opportunity to make the earth better. What is he doing?

    Ok so the imates run the asylum, who is in charge of the asylum?

    Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Science has discovered that energy cannot be created. It can be shared or transmitted. So, some energy gave a piece of itself to us.

  • hibiscusfire

    Terry I am sorry that your child has that problem. It would be tough as a parent to go through that. I would say that God will give you the strength and the courage to go overcome this trying time. Keep praying for your son to be healed. Jesus can do it. If God brings you to it He can bring you through it.

    Thank God for your life. He will never leave you.

    Would you?


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Read the following in Dr. Evil's voice: "knows" and "has power to act" hmmm...seems that "God" has forsaken the job of "knowing" and "acting" thereby refuting that he has "power" and "knows" everything. Ergo, the "Bible" is "fake."

  • hibiscusfire

    Terry are you ok?


  • poppers

    I am taking my situation back to Adam and Eve since they were the first ones with the confusing blend of curiosity endowed by god, supposedly, and yet put in a postition where curiosity would natually come into play, the forbidden fruit. Is it surprising that this inborn trait was exercised? Did they know enough to even question god about consequences? Did they even know what "consequences" were? Where was the loving intervention of god? He allowed his creation to "go up in flames" and everyone since is condemned because of that. The first time they make a "mistake" they are thrown out of paradise. I don't see much in the way of guidance and tolerance for mistakes made from the very beginning with this biblical god.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Hibiscusfire wrote:

    Thank God for your life. He will never leave you.

    Are you really saying that all of the things that an individual accomplishes in their life are attributable to God? Really? What if the person never prays? Like myself. I gave up praying long ago when I realized that the only way anything good was going to happen in my life was if I made it happen. I am in control of both good and bad in my life. Sure, there are things that happen to a person that are beyond his immediate control, but that does not prove either way that there is a god.

    God doesn't make my house payment, car payment, or get me a good job. I do those things. You do those things. You just choose to believe that the good in your life comes from god, not because you made it happen. I could not ever thank god for my life when there is not one shred of evidence that he has ever been there to have left in the first place. I realized a long time ago that the good and bad in my life are a direct result of the choices I have made-either good or bad. That's it. There is no other reason for why a person has a good or bad life once they are an adult.

    Yes, there are exceptions to this-mental handicaps. Beyond that, there is no excuse. Either always play the victim or get on with your life and quit making the same types of stupid decisions that make you a chronic victim. Do positive things and you will get positive results.

    Long story short, I have not seen and can not name one thing that bible writers couldn't have already figured out on their own.


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