Jeffro: ...then your reasoning purports that any claim from the past that coins frequently landed on their sides must have actually happened, AND, that it happened by means of extra-terrestrial intervention.
No. You keep using absolutes in your rephrasing of my point, Jeffro.
My reasoning purports that the presence of many claims from the past that coins frequently landed on their sides in the presence of extra-human sources of influence, and exclusively in the presence of such influence, then we cannot out of hand disavow that such might have actually happened once we achieve a technology that mimics the effect, however clumsy our first attempts might be.
I am not suggesting that extra-human sources might have actually influenced coins in the past because, to my knowledge, no such accounts exist.
I am suggesting that our discovery of some crude and rudimentary ways of accomplishing the impregnation of virgins prevents us from eliminating the possibility that past accounts of this happening solely in the presence ofextra-human sources of influence had some truth in them. I am also suggesting that past communication of the possibility of accomplishing the effect of a birth without sexual union is attributed solely to extra-human sources of information and influence.
Jeffro: Um... no, the claim of pregnancy without intercourse by "extra-human sources" has not been proven true through scientific discovery at all. Science has proven that the existing gametes can be brought together without sexual intercourse to produce an embryo. There is no proof that this has ever happened (in mammals) without human intervention.
Jeffro, devices employed by humans are extra-human. Including bows and arrows. This certainly includes the machines needed by humans to preform the feat in question. There is no proof that production of a viable embryo without sexual intercourse and without technological intervention has ever occurred.
The claim you restated is not the claim I made. The possibility of virgin pregnancy by means of extra-human sources has been proven. Technology is required, crude though our present methods may be.
Jeffro: Not only transference, but also "spontaneous generation" of the genetic material. Up until the 1800s, people were naive enough to believe in that kind of thing. Most of us know better now.
No. Only transference is required to accomplish the feat. We know that for sure, now. All of us can make ourselves fully and scientifically aware that transference is all that is required. Pretending otherwise just to make your point is a little sad, in my opinion.
Theoretically a kind of "spontaneous generation" is possible, from the perspective of ignorant, superstitious Stone Age and Bronze Age peoples. We can already imagine it as a future reality without getting squeamish, awe-filled, or worshipful in the least.
Jeffro: The postulation lends no support to the idea that those supposed aliens therefore have technology for artificial insemination.
Scientific curiosity about self and surroundings seems to be a required driver for technological progress. Comprehension of and manipulation of genomes is a relatively new thing for any beings in the homo genus. But we can still only "play around" with them compared to where we envision our capabilities to go.
I am tiring of your repeated revision of my point. I won't restate my argument to you again until you address my argument without perverting it into one you'd rather have with me. I am sure you are up to it, aren't you?