ringo5: If someone asked you for the probability of this possibility, what number would you give?
The probability of the possibility that humans can concieve without intercourse is 100%. It is now a proven fact. Many people alive today are not the product of sexual intercourse; QED humans could always have conceived without intercourse.
The fact that you misinterpreted a very simple question, if it was unintentional, demonstrates very well the problem with interpreting scripture.(scripture being the chief way Christians feel God revealed himself to them)
If it was intentional, it demonstrates how defenders of illogical ideas will throw red herrings out to muddy the argument.
If it is possible it has always been possible. Do you not know that basic fact of the way reality works? If not, I find that surprising.
The fact that after you avoided answering the intended question, that is "If someone asked you for the probability of this possibility occurring, what number would you give?", and proceeded to question my grasp of reality, is also not suprising, as ad hominem attacks are common tools of defenders of "divine and extra-human sources".
The probability of it occurring in any specific incident at any specific time period would obviously be adjusted to a more specific set of constraints
If you'd care to, I'll still like that (hopefully clarified) question answered. Or if you wish, a comparison of the probabilities of the following possibilities occurring,
1. Mary was impregnated the way the majority of impregnations happen (even today) or the possibility you raised,
This recently accepted possibility of conception without intercourse has always been possible, and communication of the possibility was consistently attributed to extra-human origins.
2. Mary was impregnated without intercourse but rather due to an extra-human source.