What an interesting thread. I’ve read every one of the replies to Terry’s post, and can’t help but be amazed at all of you. Everyone that posted IMO has valid points and your intelligence just blows me away. No wonder the WTB&TS couldn’t contain you!!
I think Terry thinks most people who believe in God are looking at Him as some all-powerful "man in the sky with supernatural abilities" that takes notice of each and every good deed and transgression individuals perform. I, for one, do not look at God (for lack of a better word) this way. I look at Him as an Intelligent Force unseen but made manifest incrementally through the creation of matter.
If you keep this in mind: As above, so below. The microcosm and macrocosm are one. Each one is made in the image of God….we can learn everything eventually. The journey has just begun for mankind.
We are evolving toward a higher "knowledge" and this is proven by those who are diligently searching for meaning outside the small gods of religion, but have not forsaken the knowing that man was created in the image of God.
The problem is that, like Terry, many have thrown the baby out with the bath water.
Getting back to the microcosm/macrocosm thinking
: Before you create that beautiful piece of jewelry, the creative energies flow…they move in your mind and if you are truly gifted, they move in your soul and spirit (the depths of your being.) You "create" the piece in THAT realm before it is made manifest in the realm of matter. Once you create the ideal in your "mind", you plan it out, figure its dimensions, draw it, etc. Then when all of that is fully set, you actualize it. Voila! A beautiful piece of jewelry has been created….not by waving a magic wand, but through creative ability, desire, will, effort, then manifestation.
What amazes me with people like Terry is that they really cannot comprehend a realm without matter. Existence has to be touched, tasted, smelled, etc. or it can’t exist. We are but a speck of dust upon another speck of dust in the vast dynamic swirl of cosmic energy we call the Universe. To think that our puny little science has the answers is the ultimate arrogance! Science, however, is also evolving and together science and spirituality CAN come together and over time get closer to the answers.