Nvr, just to be clear, I attend no meetings and am totally inactive. The only difference between me and
a DA'ed person is that I can be invited to social things. I went to a wedding recently, but otherwise I
don't even respond to the invites. They will eventually dry up and go away. So, "Leave already" is not
an issue. I left. The fade from the congregation activity is complete, but a successful fade is also
maintaining the inactive JW status.
Martian, your question- "Am I missing something?" I think I have said what is missing. I am not free to
do the things that WTS says I must not do, at least openly. I cannot openly participate in any holidays.
I know you will say that I can, but all they need is a reason to DF me. You know, I said I would answer
each person, and I did. I don't want a debate on things like your statement: "All you have to say is that
you're not interested anymore- and no problems will arise!" You must get a laugh out of saying things
like that, or else it is sad that you really believe such crap.