Of course, He does. And if you knew Him, you would know that. And you would know that this is a completely moot question, for God IS love. You only ask the question... and the others only respond as they do... because you/they DON'T know God.
I ask you, how righteous is it to accuse and then sit in judgment of someone you do not know... based on allegations, accusations and accounts which you also do not know as to whether they are true or false? Can the excuse, "Well, it's written!" cover your error? Written by whom? At whose behest? Says who? It cannot.
You base your knowledge and understanding of God on "the Bible." Who commissioned "the Bible?" God? Certainly not! Why is it that you do not know this, yet you use it to stand in witness against Him? Were you there? Did you see what occurred? If someone were to write something about you, should I believe just because YOU say it is true?
You have brought on your accusations; I challenge them, and I bring to YOU the one witness who WAS there... who saw EVERYTHING... from "the founding of the world," until now. THAT One said that HE came "to bear witness to the TRUTH," and used his own life to do so. Yet, not one did he ever condemn; not one did he ever bring pain or punishment upon. He DID, however, rebuke the scribes for their FALSE writings ("Woe, to you... scribes!"). Yet, you based your knowledge on the writings of the scribes. How are you in the right?
You think yourselves "wise;" and yet you buy into one of the BIGGEST lies ever told: that the Bible is "the word of God" and everything in it is to believed. What a CRAFTY tactic! If you wanted to truly slander someone, wanted to turn people AWAY from him... would could be easier than writing ill things about Him, then saying that HE wrote himself?!! The Bible is NOT the word of God... and nowhere does it say it is. It DOES, however, say who/what the Word of God is, who it is we SHOULD listen to and follow... and who it is we should not.
Rather than continuing to be wise in your OWN eyes... I bid you to buy EYESALVE... so that your eyes can be OPENED and you can SEE what you do not. I also say to you, if you are so "righteous" in your positions... why not exercise the golden rule," and do to the Most Holy One of Israel what YOU would have others do unto YOU... were you falsely accused: rather than blindly follow what they were TOLD, you would want them to ask YOU and give YOU a chance to tell YOUR side.
You have NOT provided that same courtesy here. Hypocrites.
A slave of Christ,