Does God love you?

by nvrgnbk 96 Replies latest jw friends


    Nvrgnbk..If I understand correctly..Aguest/Shelby uses the words of Jesus to guide her life,not the bible..Which we all know can be easily twisted..Although the words of Jesus are in the Bible.......Shelby..Let me know if I got that right or not..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • lalliv01

    Putting all the "holy writings" aside, if a god made this planet, wouldn't looking around at this

    planet tell us something of it's creator? But mind you that, if you put your thoughts on the matter

    down in writing, are you not creating a "bible" that others may read,quote, and believe? I do

    believe this planet says much for whoever,or whatever, created it, without relying on something

    some person wrote. If this Creator exists, respect is due. Just my thoughts.

  • nvrgnbk
    If this Creator exists, respect is due. Just my thoughts.

    I share those thoughts, lalliv01.

    Some show the respect you mention with Paganism.

    Some peacefully contemplate Nature.

    Does God exact more than this?

    The Bible says so.

  • AGuest
    The golden rule is in the bible, so if it is not the word of god, why are you using it as a rule to live by?

    First, a good rule is good rule, whether it’s in the Bible or not. Second, I do not look to the Bible for rules to live by: I listen to my Lord. And although I read this “golden rule” many, many times, it was not until he SHOWED me how to live it that I was able to do so. Third, the Bible is not the word of God, BUT… there are still those who need to see a law “written”… somewhere… before they can/will apply it in their lives. Again, whether it is written in the Bible or some other place… a good rule… is a good rule.

    Who said we were claiming to be righteous in our positions? we dont claim to be righteous

    One doesn’t need to claim to be righteous to think one is. We are judged by our own words… what comes OUT of us… ‘cause that’s what’s IN us. “You” made false accusations against the Most Holy One of Israel. Now, either He is righteous… or “you” are. Based on the accusations, I believe it’s safe to assume that “you” don’t think He is. That only leaves “you.” BTW, since you are the only one among “we” who responded, I guess it’s safe to assume my message spoke to something in you. Good.

    So tell me, oh wise one, where the hell do you find what GOD's laws then if not in the bible?

    I am not wise, Eclipse. Far from it. I am guided, is all. I do know, however, that the “place” to find God’s laws… is your HEART… where God, through Christ, writes them, if they have been so written. If not, all one needs do is ask God, through Christ, to grant some of His Holy Spirit, by means of which such laws are written… on our hearts. The Bible tells you this, both where God writes His laws… how… and through whom. Of course, every Bible reader knows this… don’t they?

    Where do you get off on telling us what rules we should follow? Are they your rules? Are they invisible rules?

    Wait, “you” can falsely accuse the Most Holy One of Israel, without recourse, without opportunity to be heard, without one TRUE witness against him… and when I come to His defense as a witness FOR Him… and say that “you” should give Him the same courtesy “you” would want for yourself… I’m the bad guy?!! I repeat (but only to you, thus far): hypocrite.

    Are they the rules that magically appeared inside your head?

    Head? No. Heart? Yes. At least, for me. And it should be the same for “you” (and you, particularly, in light of your “altitude”) but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Go ahead and tell us where god tells us what he is like?

    Well, I could be flip and say "the Bible says that" He is “merciful,” “gracious,” slow to anger,” “abundant in loving kindness and truth,” “preserving loving kindness for thousands,” “pardoning error and transgressions and sins.”

    However, I don’t put my faith in the Bible. Instead, if I want to know what God is “like”… I look at His IMAGE, Christ, who is the reflection of God’s glory and the EXACT representation of His very being. I ask you: what was/is Christ “like”? Through HIM… God TELLS us what HE is “like.”

    But, of course, every Bible reader knows this… don’t they?

    I hear nothing, I see nothing

    Perhaps it's because you (and I speak only to you, right now) are “like” the gods you serve. But whose fault is that?

    “A mouth they have, but they cannot speak
    Eyes they have, but they cannot see
    Ears they have, but they cannot hear
    A nose they have, but they cannot smell
    Hands are theirs, but they cannot feel
    Feet are theirs, but they cannot walk
    They utter no sound with their throat…” Isaiah 115:5-7

    ALL I see is the bible as the only written piece of literature that has been followed to be the word of god.

    And because the masses consider it so and “follow” it as such… makes it so? Surely, you can see the lack of logic in that…

    Or should I turn to the Qu'ran?

    I wouldn’t. I would turn to Christ.

    Where do you get your guidance, oh sanctimonious one, Aguest??

    Truly, it's no big secret, dear Eclipse: I receive what I do from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whom “you” have falsely accused of unrighteousness. I have openly professed that here for quite some time.

    Are we to just believe what you say because you are the one beacon of truth and righteousness?

    (Smiling) Please pardon my little tiny “light” – but, not, you are NOT to just believe me. I never asked you to. My little flicker is not even close to being the “one beacon” of truth and righteousness.” That would be my Lord… the TRUE Light that came into the world. That I am able to reflect just a fleck of his glory is my unbelievable and merciful privilege.

    From how pious you post, you stammer like you are the one true spokeswoman of god himself.

    I did not post from a position of “spokesperson" for I am no such thing. I merely responded, albeit passionately, to false accusations against my God and Father. What would you expect me to do, sit back and just let “you” publish lies against Him without saying a word? Are you SERIOUS? If it were “you” and “your” earthly father(s) were being slandered and defamed, in public, internationally, “you” would have cried “foul” and most probably sought some kind of lrelief in a legal court. Maybe even damages. Why? Because “you” love “your” father(s). Am I to love mine less, so that I sit silent because I have more fear of what “you” might have to say in response than I have love for Him? I am a lot of things, dear Eclipse… but I ain’t no coward. “You” have made false accusations and I will not run from “your” challenge. And whether anyone else here or in the world itself stands up for the Most Holy One of Israel or not… I will. Whether you hear… or refrain.

    My peace remains.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    Who appointed me master over anyone so that I have to keep them in line? Who appointed you? Who appointed anyone over anyone... other than Christ, whom God appointed over ALL things?

    Rules... laws... are for the lawless. The lawless... prove themselves to be "of the world," not of God. And the world has its own laws for what is its own.

    True christians have one master, one leader, Christ... whose law they are to follow. That law... of LOVE... is SUPPOSED to be written on their hearts (so that they don't need ANYONE other than the Holy Spirit to be teaching them). If that law ISN'T written on their hearts, they are not true christians. Regardless of what they call themselves.

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Notice how she never comes out and says where this source is.

    Okay, you've been here all of what... 3 months? You really should read more...

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    to know that you have ears to hear, dear Outlaw! Sorry if your buddy and I almost popped 'yer eardrums! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

    Peace to you and may ALL be well with you and yours!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    dear Outlaw. But, for those who still need to see it in writing:

    "The doorkeeper open to this one and the sheep LISTEN TO HIS VOICE..." John 10:3

    "MY sheep LISTEN to MY VOICE, and I know them, and they follow ME." John 10:27



  • truthsearcher

    Oh my, Nvr, you really should warn me in the thread title before you post stuff like that!

    TS (picking self up off the floor and heading to the fridge for some chocolate to feel better )

  • nvrgnbk

    I'm so sorry, TS.

    Hope your chocolate helps you feel better.

    Just putting it out there.

    That's how I get answers to my questions.

    Once again, sorry if it upset you.

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