Can men discuss feminism critically?

by Paralipomenon 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paralipomenon

    I am currently studying some of the issues of the feminist movement. One of my first observations is that men are really not welcome in the discussion. All the reference books and topics I have looked at so far are written by women. It seems that if a man voices an opinion that isn't in glowing extreme support, it is immediately dismissed as chauvinistic behavior. So I am going to start the topic off lightly to test the waters.

    So the first question, can a man ever be critical of aspects of the feminist movement, or does that invalidate his opinion and make him a chauvinist?

  • BrentR

    I usually somehow end up getting into trouble when I try to talk about it. Ther are parts of the feminist movement that are healthy and a few that IMHO are toxic and work against women and society. And I will just leave it at that before I get part of my ass torn off.

  • bigwilly

    Apparently I'm one of the few feminists with male equipment.

    I've found that one can have very straight forward discussions once one has established a repor. In my case, feminists and I see eye-to-eye on a majority of the topics we discuss, because of this I'm free to raise questions or state my opinion most of the time.

  • Nosferatu
    can a man ever be critical of aspects of the feminist movement, or does that invalidate his opinion and make him a chauvinist?

    Dude, what do you expect from a group of women who think they're always right?

    BTW, you might enjoy this blog:

  • ness

    of course! men can and SHOULD be critical of the feminist movement. im female, but im not so keen on feminism. im all for equality, but we must acknowledge that we are different creatures. in trying to be like men we have somehow lost who we are. that is in part feminism's doing. so be critical I say!

  • Nosferatu
    in trying to be like men we have somehow lost who we are. that is in part feminism's doing.

    Will you marry me?

    It's quite rare that I see a post like this from a woman who understands what's going on out in the real world - and especially at your age.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    In my experience, feminism encompasses several genres of ideas that should really be distinguished and categorized differently. One school of thought is that no conscientious woman should have kids because it puts them in a demeaning role in society, but most other genres of feminism do not hold this radical approach. Some schools of thought seem to be more about degrading men, while others are more about promoting women, and still others are a mixture of looking for understanding and equality. I took a couple of courses in undergrad school that had feminism as a large part of the course, and I did not find myself unwelcomed or out of place. Categorizing all feminists as man haters is not a good generalization, and doesn't play out in reality.

  • freyd

    I've got a couple theories but they wouldn't like them. LOL

  • Dorktacular

    I have had discussions with feminists in the past and most of them seem to be.... well..... very hate-filled. They hate men and by default all that is male is wrong. Feminists talk about men as if we are all wrong. We're not wrong, we're just different than women. If men and women were exactly alike in every way, than one of us wouldn't be necessary. My theory on male-female relations is that these women should stop trying to grow a penis and a lot of men need to quit trying to grow a vagina. How's that for crude?? Why can't men just be men and women just be women and we all just get along (except for that one week every 28 days where nobody gets along with anybody)? LOL Man..... I'm gonna get it now!

  • Bobbi

    Para, where are you sleeping tonight?

    Just kidding babe, you know how I feel about feminism. I think the rabid feminists of our generation have all but ruined society. There are men and women for a reason and when each properly accomplishes their roles, a natural balance is achieved.

    Man is not better than Woman or the other way around. Each has a strong suit that benefits each other.


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