LOL! Yeah, I've taken courses in feminism and I've been critical of it, and I don't really get what most folks in here are talking about. "Man-haters" and "being like men" are some common type of things folks do when they wanna dismiss feminism instead of looking at the core issues- its sorta like when JWs throw "apostate" atus instead of listening what we have to say.
There are MANY branches of feminism so like someone said above to imply that "ALL Feminist" do and say all this crazy stuff is insane. I find that the only real people who are ever really critical of feminism in a fair way are other feminist. No feminist says that women are just like men, but they do say that when a woman wants to she can do the job if need be. And while some women don't want to pick up 60 lbs at work, a lot of woman do not want to be discriminated from getting a job altogether because a person thinks that she can't and is therefore useless. because that happens. and some women pick up 60 lbs at work and can be offended that someone think she needs help. Not every women feels the same way.
And again, you can never say that ALL feminist say and believe the same thing; they is black feminism, chicana feminism, thrid world feminism, religious feminist, lesbian and transgender feminism...
And they all attack each other like hell over the issues and hardly get anywhere. *shrugs* But hey that happens. So, yes a man can be critical of feminism... but first he should LEARN what feminism and its many facest and branches are instead of opening his mouth because you can make a feminist really mad for that by just going off of stereotypes and generalizations of what feminism is really about. Like... not every feminist is pro-choice, it is just that she feels she doesn't have the right to contrict other women to her standards or belief.
. And its not that she (the feminist) automatically hates men, but there's anger and mistrust there...
Just like blacks have to whites, gays have of heteros, poor people have of the wealthy, and all other folks who feel marginalized/discriminated/ and or oppressed. If you can look past that anger and really get to the heart of the issue I find many feminist pleasant. But yeah some aren't and send them on their way.. bt jus because you run into a bitter and angry feminist does not make the study of school of thought invalid.