For example, the real man hating Femi-Nazi types, are they not sexist? So they hate that behavoir in others, but not themselves? This same scenario could also be applied to race, especially here in the U.S.
Those feminists are sexist, and not how ''normal'' women behave or think.
Some Men bash women, and some women bash men, it's just that for thousands of years, women were not allowed to do so openly without severe consequences, while the men had a free licence to do so.
We are the other half of eachother. The Ying and the Yang.
This woman hopes for a time when men and women will unite instead of being opposed to one another,
helping one another, providing strength where the other is ''weak''.
We are all humans with different strengths and weaknesses and these are not unique to the gender but to the personality of the person.
Together, we are strong, divided, we fall.