I agree that it is up to you to decide.
But, since you asked, my opinion about this is that this would be treading on thin ice.
by aylesbury_lad 65 Replies latest social relationships
I agree that it is up to you to decide.
But, since you asked, my opinion about this is that this would be treading on thin ice.
It's called the past for a reason, no?
If it is not the past for you, then in the interest of your happy marriage, I suggest you do what is necessary to make it the past. You've told her about your crush on her, what more is left then, hmmm?
Dangerous territory, my friend. Tread carefully.
I agree with Twitch as well.
It is also all in the way you choose to handle and express yourself to your wife. Do you make her feel cherished and confidant in your love and affections? Is this just a potentially upcoming meeting in which quite possibly you are the only one who may be uncomfortable? If so, look inside and find out why.
I had a similar situation and by meeting up with the person I found out that we would have never worked out and it pretty much extinguished the flame. It closed an open door and got some un finished feelings re-adjusted.
So if you can do it without risking anything it may give you some pleasant closure. Sometimes the grass is not always greener.
Alyeslad: I found myself married and, for the most part, happy. We are still married, with kids (starting to leave the nest) and a dog and a settled life. I'm not complaining, it's good.
I did not see anyone refer back directly to your post so lets break part of this down.
"I found myself married"---yeah i was lost, kinda woke up and dang I'm married--not "I found the girl of my dreams"
"and for the most part, happy"-----thats convincing---I believe it-NOT. Children with puppies are happy.
"we are still married, with kids" (starting to leave the nest)---yeah my responsibilities are almost done WHOOPIEE! They were mistakes anyway.
"and a dog and a settled life. I'm not complaining, it's good.
If this chick is in any way as appealing to now as she was then, I'm sure you would not want to give all this up for some insanely hot sex. Or you could and see what a huge life change could do for you, and it may be better than you can imagine. Or you could just have a intense short term affair and never tell your wife about it. These are things that that could all really happen. And I did like the thought earlier that you could meet and all would fizzle and you can let go of the chick on your mind in the soapy shower!
Had a VERY similar experience and I have lived with regrets of what I did not do for a long time.....oompa
I have over the years crossed paths with a two JW ladies I was involved with but we broke it off. Both of them have had multiple divorces, drug addictions and were pretty much train wrecks. To think that I could have ended up married to either of them makes me shudder. The "truth" did not do much for them when reality knocked on thier door.
Seeing them was like having a wet blanket thrown on my little lingering flame that I still may have had for them.
My first reaction to this was "oh no, trouble is about to start". Even if you took your wife, if you see your old flame, the feelings for her could make you forget what you do have.
Just a different way of thinking but it seems to me like this would be a very bad idea.
How does your wife feel about it? Have you asked her on what she thinks?
No. The bush is looking greener to you for some strange reason? What is the reason? When you answer that question, ask us again.
Sure, meet up with her. Just make sure to bring your wife with you. ;-)
ABSOLUTELY...........dont even consider it if your wife isnt by your side. i got the impression that your still married but not in that HOT love stage...... kids ready to leave the nest is a time when lots of people let their marriages scatter to the four winds.
i have been attached to sisters and wanted things to happen and even tho they didnt i still think and wonder tho i am happily married now i would like to see them again to put my mind at peace.
figure out your motivations and even go so far as to think the worst about yourself ........... play devils advocate and then make your decison............ nothing wrong with meeting her but follow the advice given already.
dont go there with condoms in your wallet........ instead go there with a wife to put her foot in your ass if you start drooling.
My Pious Pustule, elder, Pain in the Ass, brother, met with his ex-girlfriend. Had a wild night of sex, and was disfellowshipped.
His wife didn't divorce him, she doesn't want sex anyway. Hadn't given it up for awhile. She just wanted to keep regular pioneering, and selling mags, and never work. Why ruin a good thing????