There are lots of things going on here and the individual in question is as entitled to a life as the one you have already had!
I hear people who've played till their hearts content say they've now grown up and so should whoever they meet!
I hear those full of religious effluent spout off about how others lack integrity or respect and act like it's for them to decide how all humans should behave like they were owned.
I think if your wife wants you to be happy and your not she should encourage you to find it! Why would she be with a guy who doesn't love her?? Adults should maturely work things out when fading occurs and do the sensible thing for the benefit of any kids. Maybe in a couple of years you split anthow with how you're talking!
I hear women who've had several abortions with zero kids tell those who have how they should be doing x y and z without let up! I have no problem with their free choices but they seem to stick their nose where it doesnt belong which maybe is a habit they got used to!
Religious Morality and Godless Morality and Humanitarian Morality are all in the mix here so the individual in question needs to be aware that the problem being discussed is about far more than whether its a 'cheating' proposal!
Adults who are maybe trying to find their place in life which many already did in their teens deserve consideration for their needs and all they already sacrificed. It's amazing how ones who have are often told keep giving even when your empty - everyone saying dont do anything like has already happened for a lifetime!
Take this hypothetical situation:
If you came on here saying your wife has gone off you and you are just together for the kids maybe everyone would say stick it out for the kids because likely you would lose most access to the kids! Again your under other peoples thumb because of the legal restraints governing your life and all the choices you might make!!
But if you had no kids they would say go ahead!
Always thinking of others gets you yourself no life - ME!
Maybe a complete empath is your calling? It's for you to make what you feel is a rational decision based on your personal life and future! You maybe would find a happy future that you don't or never have felt?
I know a woman who was DF for running off with a worldy workmate who then dumped her when she got the idea of marriage and hubby took her back and is reinstated and STILL says she'd do it again because she followed her heart! Hubby and friends ate out of her hands as a SP and she's done life her way and is happy about that. Lots of people have bucket loads of unhappy stuff they label integrity - In my book often called religious dogma
It's called female liberation and it affects some of the men on here who are savvy to their cause! - Be aware of that !
He should do as he feels and be respected for it end of story! Just take the feelings of others into account and be honest with people!
Look around - it's reality and life so you gotta live it like I wish I had. Whatever you choose - go with your heart for yourself and look out for those who you love - that's the best advice I can give!