Give her a hug for me tonight.
My wife was just waiting for the hug, as she read your post before me. ;)
He will be advised, for instance, that he will be ignoring Paul's admonition not to be "unequally yoked"
This is exactly what my present father-in-law told us both (not in direct words but by asking us to read such and such verse) the very first time he met me.
What probably saved our relationship was that both my wife and I are very stubborn. We did not want to give up. The pressure from her family was there, but I am happy to say that she totally ignored it. If anything, the pressure just made her more determined to stay with me.
Of course, every couple must do things in their own way. But the fundamental issue for all is trust in eachother, honesty and mutual respect. Respect is not the same as "obedience", though. Respect is acknowledging that the other one is allowed to be disturbed, afraid, in disagreement, etc., and still love eachother.
Of course I was afraid that she would leave me if I was honest with my fears and problems. But I soon discovered that I had been wrong. :)
When it came to questioning the WT Society, though, I am happy that she endured my questions and disagreements. I did try not to attack the Society, but I know that I did attack them more than once. In addition I had many small questions: "why does the WTS say this when the Bible says that? why is the number 144000 concrete when the 12 x 12000 are symbolic?" etc. (Thanks to Randy at!) These questions were not intended as attacks, only as questions, but she inevitably felt that I trod on her entire life simply by asking such difficult questions. In other words, she herself understood that something was wrong, but she identified with the WTS, and didn't like what the questions made her discover.
I could have been more careful. But it ended well, with her an ex-witness and a reader of JWD.