Talking about this with my husband, personally, I suspect they will disband large congregations and try to control the dubbies in small groups. They may well sell all the KHs and demand the money to be sent to Brooklyn. They will build up such a large persecution complex and prepare the dubbies for perseuction in the Great Tribulation and claim they are safer in small groups. They are then much easier to control by the Elders. Mind Control is more effective in small groups.....especially small groups of people who have been scared half to death with the promise of imminent Armageddon!
The WTBTS may well have hundreds upon hundreds of law suits against it that the public WILL be aware of and so can insist that they need the money from the congs. They will stop all publishing of paper products and send their 'product instructions' via the net to an Elder in charge of each group to distribute to the 'worthy'.
Then, they will have maximum money in their coffers they will distribute it among their 'pseudo' companies and then amongst the shareholders therin as they claim some kind of coorporate disbandment!
The JWs will then be run from Patterson by the remaining gullibile members of the GB who really believe that they are God's messengers on earth.
In fact, all the monies will have been collected up and disappeared with those clever little lawyers, shareholders and accountants.
The Watchtower Bible and Tracts Society will then REALLY be a charity case.
No one will know where the money disappeared to!
It's a clever plan, con, scam....whatever!
But the Watchtower IS a religion with a sell by date stamped on its arse!
It is preparing for its final and biggest con on its members by its reall 'invisible' controllers!
The R and F are going to be in such a frenzy preparing for Armageddon at any moment, that they will totally miss the slight of hand scam that is taking place right in front of their eyes. This has to happen within the next few years as climate change, and war in Iraq and possible war in Iran cannont continue to keep the world on the edge of its seat for long and the dubbies captured in a hypnotic trance as they anticipate their years text" 'Watch and See the Salvation of Jehovah'! They really need to 'Watch and see the Scam being perpetrated by the 'invisible leaders' of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!'
January's Watchtower expects its members to drop their well paid jobs and throw themselves into Watchtower Servitude! Whether they will demand, money, property to be signed over or any thing else more extreme as a form of personal sacrifice from members, we have yet to see!
However, the WTBTS really is becoming more extreme in its control and demands for total submission!
The latest mags have sent a shiver down my own spine!
I suspect that THE WORST IS YET TO COME!