I agree with you Dawg 100% on the shit sandwich.
The Screws are tightening! Fear is paramount for mind control to work!
by Gill 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LMFAOthe senile old farts are practically worshipped as God
Jehovah's guidance through his faithful channel of communication
They are according to them not inspired and have erred before, but are God's faithful channel of communication.
What is God? Spirit, right? And the Holy spirit is... erm... spirit, right? So if He guides you using His spirit, as his preferred channel of communication, you are....? Anyone? Anyone?
Clear as mud.
But what if a person, a JW person, were to realise the above sentiments.
What if the pieces were to slide into place and they realised that the FDS were nothing but 11 blokes with nothing better to do and no training in anything and no inspiration from ANYONE never mind God?
The Watchtower is now a fear mongering magazine. I briefly counted words in a few pages and noted that Satan, Armageddon, Great Tribulation, Critical Times, Last Days, Pangs of Distress etc are constantly recurring. The Watchtower is attempting to hold its members by the throat.....and then squeeze!
Fear usually abdicates the though process. A person is so busy 'running' because of the adrenalin surge of Fear that they have no time to think and reason. That is just how JWs are functioning now! They're running on adrenalin. NO TIME TO THINK WHEN YOU'RE RUNNING IN PANIC!