For the ladies. Do you think that when you.....

by NotaNess 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen

    And my point has always been guys drool and carry on no matter what the woman is wearing, that's been my personal experience.

  • wanderlustguy
    And my point has always been guys drool and carry on no matter what the woman is wearing, that's been my personal experience.

    Are you certain it wasn't just "some" guys?

  • brinjen
    Are you certain it wasn't just "some" guys?

    I should clarify, no it wasn't all guys. I'm not attacking men in general, just a small portion. Most men I believe have very healthy views of women, as shown on this thread. My point is it's been (in my experience) the same guys who will use the "look what she's wearing" excuse when it suits them but still carry on regardless of how she's dressed anyway.

  • nvrgnbk

    You can be less revealing and still be attractive, without over doing it. If you over do it, you better expect what comes with it. And don't complain about it.

    You really are close to advocating abuse.

    Perhaps you mean well, but you're sounding like a prick.

  • NotaNess

    You can be less revealing and still be attractive, without over doing it. If you over do it, you better expect what comes with it. And don't complain about it.

    You really are close to advocating abuse.

    Perhaps you mean well, but you're sounding like a prick.

    Yeah, you're translating this stuff just a little bit off minded there. Review again and get back to me ok...bu by.

  • sweetstuff

    Thank you Merry for seeing past my bluntness, and addressing the real issue. Pertaining to women, many Men don't know how to control their outright staring and commenting at the ladies. Others, don't want to try and control it. It's just what they do.

    My original point that most that posted missed, is that the cause and effect of revealing alot of flesh and wearing almost next to nothing is something that women seem to ignore or just don't care what people think. But guys are gonna look at your goods, especially if they are being "shown off". This is the effect of the cause, but don't act like all these guys that are oogling and drooling have no good reasons for doing it.

    You can be less revealing and still be attractive, without over doing it. If you over do it, you better expect what comes with it. And don't complain about it.

    ( I realize there are different opinions on what over-doing-it is)

    You heard it ladies, we better all wear loose turtlenecks and ankle length skirts or we have it "coming to us".

    'Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.' Keep reading that over and over NotaNess and it just might sink in. Eventually.

  • Magick
  • bisous

    The guy is a moron. It is obvious from his first few posts he created this thread just to stir the pot. None of his so-called points are even worthy of debate or response. If he really believes that crap, why bother? and if he doesn't....well he's received his jollies for the evening. Maybe his avatar is where he spends a lot of time in RL (doghouse) so he has to come here when he craves attention.

  • brinjen
    You can be less revealing and still be attractive, without over doing it. If you over do it, you better expect what comes with it. And don't complain about it.
    ( I realize there are different opinions on what over-doing-it is)
    You heard it ladies, we better all wear loose turtlenecks and ankle length skirts or we have it "coming to us".

    Maybe we should just all wear potato sacks just to be on the safe side. Don't want to give the wrong impression.

  • wanderlustguy
    The guy is a moron. It is obvious from his first few posts he created this thread just to stir the pot. None of his so-called points are even worthy of debate or response. If he really believes that crap, why bother? and if he doesn't....well he's received his jollies for the evening. Maybe his avatar is where he spends a lot of time in RL (doghouse) so he has to come here when he craves attention.

    Stop sugar coating everything, say what you really think for once.

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