I just received a LOVELy letter from Trevor

by mouthy 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go

    I am still wondering what you guys are so POed about what did this Trevor and Linda due? I am assuming Linda was a sockpuppet of Trevor?



    I am impressed with the way you approach a subject, how quick and willing you are to forgive, a mark of a good Christian

    Putting what the bible says about forgiveness may not be easy but it’s the Christian way of doing things (one down 76 more times to go)

    I’m sure trevor would like to clear things up, it must be very hard for him at this stage to do it, but given time

    KT .

  • MsMcDucket

    I haven't been reading the board. What did he do? What did I miss? Last I heard, Linda had died and that Trevor was staying with friends.

  • mouthy

    Thanks for the vote of being a Christian Kaytee.

    Mrs M there was no Linda no death <<<<<

  • MsMcDucket
    Mrs M there was no Linda no death

    You are kidding me!? I have a neice that's 22 years old that had been given six months to a year to live; and I haven't said a word trying not to bring more suffering to this board. She has cancer that spread from her collarbone into her lung.

    Noooooooo! Linda isn't real???

  • MsMcDucket

    How did you all find out? When?

  • mouthy

    Linda isn't real??? No there was never a Linda in Trevors life except in his imagination I am so sorry to hear about your loved one. I lost a son, 2 daughters,through death. Lets keep your neice in prayer.I have heard of some miriacles Just not to me!!!!

  • MsMcDucket

    The anniversary of my mother's death was November 2nd. I didn't quite remember the day. I went and talked to her on the 6th. I don't know about anything anymore. I don't know if there's an afterlife or heaven or hell! In my profession, I've seen a lot of people die. It's weird to see the life force (or whatever it is) leave a person's body. I haven't been able to work as a nurse since my mother died. She told me that I needed to be in another profession. I was always getting sick. They still haven't found out what's wrong with my blood. I had to go to Kansas City Cancer Center on Wednesday to have testing done. I think they took ALL my blood!! Well at least 8 tubes of it! I spent the whole day there having tests. Very exhausting!!! Two hundred mile drive and then the tests.

    I'm pretty much a hermit nowadays. Dragging around the house, feeling like a slug. Sometimes, I don't even get out of bed. Hopefully, the doctors in KC can figure this out. I'm tired of being tired!

    I don't understand why Dedpoet did it; but, it was a very emotional thing for me to deal with. I never really knew what to say. . .such is life!

    Years ago we had a woman here that stabbed herself in the back. She, also, had been sending letters to herself (supposedly) from her stalker. Her own husband didn't know she was making this up. He was, unwittingly, mailing the letters! Her story made national news. She even got to go on Oprah!!!

  • MsMcDucket

    Here's the story about the woman:

    Ruth Finely managed to stalk herself for six months, including stabbing herself in the back with a knife. The knife nearly severed her renal artery (artery to the kidneys) which would have killed her before she could reach any assistance. Emergency doctors who treated the woman said that she could not have stabbed herself in such a manner. She also wrote threatening letters to herself from "the Poet" her alternative personality. "The Poet" wrote letters to her utility companies, shutting off her utilities and causing personal havoc, and "The Poet" wrote letters to her friends and acquaintances, the letters slandered Ruth. This "harassment" went on for six months until one officer figured out that Ruth was the "Poet". As soon as the police figured out that she was her own stalker, her "alter" ceased to exist. And she began to reintegrate her memories of what had happened to her as a young child and what she did to herself.

    She had suffered both sexual and physical abuse by a family friend when she was three years old. Her mother confirmed this, and confirmed that her father handled the incidents by denying the assailant access to her. This particular case demonstrates that criminality within the multiple personality disorder affected person is self-destructive. She never harmed another person.


    I wonder if Dedpoet got his nick from her???

  • MsMcDucket

    I have to go listen to some music!

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