We're all connected- Spiritual Atheism

by nvrgnbk 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    As you know, common Theists believe in a literal "God" who supposedly created and rules the universe; while common Atheists reject the idea of "God" altogether.

    Generally,Spiritual Atheists are people who do not believe in a literal "God" (thus the term "Atheist"), but still consider themselves to be (often deeply) "Spiritual" people.

    For Spiritual Atheists, being "Spiritual" generally means to have thoughts, words, and actions that are in harmony with the idea that we are all, in some way, connected - that the entire world can be thought of as one entity made up of smaller interacting entities.

    Therefore, Spiritual Atheists generally feel that as they go about their lives striving to be personally healthy and happy, they should also be striving to help the world around them be healthy and happy. This empowering concept is referred to as "Wholistic Ethics".

    Although Spiritual Atheists do not believe in a literal "God"; they generally recognize "God" as an important and powerful symbol of the inter-connectedness and one-ness of the Universe. They see that, individually, everything in the Universe is a part of "God"; and, collectively, everything in the Universe is "God". And that there is only ONE "God".

    Even so, many Spiritual Atheists are extremely reluctant to make use of the word "God", due to the extreme desecration it has suffered by common Theists and Atheists alike.


  • watson

    Wow, another good one, NVR! A spritual athiest? That really gets me thinking, thank you.


    I didn't think I would label myself again. That pretty much describes where I am right now on my journey so I may have to rethink this.

    I love you nvr.

  • Gopher

    I've been reading the website, and can't get comfortable with Soren Sorenson's concept.

    I agree that we atheists need to contribute to the world to make it a better place. I agree we can be "spiritual" in the sense of living, loving, sharing and caring.

    But to think of the "personification of the universe" as a "God" just seems strange. I'd rather think of the universe as "the material universe" and not as "God". But I guess there are a million definitions of "God". I'd just rather stay out of the God-definition game that Sorenson seems to be playing.

  • nvrgnbk

    I love you too, A&W.

    It's not a label.

    It's logic and love combined.

    We're all connected.

    Pain and fear and hate come from the perception of disconnection.

    That's fighting nature.

    That's fighting the Oneness.

  • watson

    I'm with Gopher on the "god" thing. We made "god."

  • beksbks

    Oooohhhh I like it. I always somehow feel crummy when I say I'm an atheist. I shouldn't, but it seems to imply lack of heart or something. The furthest thing from the truth.

  • nvrgnbk

    I hear you, Gopher.

    But "God" isn't a bad thing, if it describes the real connection between all natural things.

    It's just a word.

    There is no suggestion of anything supernatural.

    There is no tyrannical taskmaster that seeks to subjugate and divide.

    It's not a belief in a "Daddy" to make us feel better.

    But that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves cannot be denied.

  • beksbks

    I would prefer a word other than God. It's been used.

  • watson

    "Your are correct sir!"

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