We're all connected- Spiritual Atheism

by nvrgnbk 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    And on that note, V...

    How To Be A Spiritual Atheist

    Being an atheist doesn't mean rejecting spirituality. Here is one atheist's understanding of the spiritual. How To Be A Spiritual Atheist
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    A spiritual atheist? Perhaps it's a strange concept if you only think spirituality has to mean a belief in a god. Do the two have to be related? Many people think of the historical Buddha as a spiritual person, but most don't know that he never expressed a belief in a god. He even discouraged his followers from such "speculation," preferring that they work on their salvation in this world.
    Computer Spirituality

    Imagine a computer that has begun to get so complex and powerful that it starts to ask questions "outside the box." It starts to become conscious. The first thing it would realize is that for all its computing capacity, it is still very limited. The humans who use it, most of whom can't begin to understand it's complicated algorithms, still are more powerful. They see the world more clearly.

    The computer could recite a million facts, perhaps, and yet not know what to use them for. It could describe human psychology, and yet not understand a smile. It wouldn't even know why it existed, or what it was being used for. If it came to understand these limitations, and to actually wonder about the world outside its circuits, and to desire to see more, and to grow - that would be computer spirituality.

    Atheist Spirituality

    An atheist simply doesn't believe in a god. There isn't sufficient evidence, so there is no belief. Contrary to what many think, there is no need for an atheist to disprove that a god exists, anymore than a Christian needs to disprove that the world is ruled by intelligent termites. The burden of proof is always with the person making a positive assertion.

    An atheist can recognize the mystery of life, and marvel at how everything learned deepens that mystery, pushing "final" causes further into the distance. An atheist can recognize his or her own limitations, and seek to grow, perhaps even by developing contact with "higher powers." This is an atheist spirituality. How is it different from "regular" spirituality?

    The difference is that an atheist feels no need to pretend to understand the mysteries - no need to create gods and religions to explain them. Contacting "higher powers" can simply be tuning into subconscious resources through meditation or other means. Are these "higher powers" nothing more than electrical patterns in our brains? We don't know, and we don't have to know to tap into them.

    Is it that atheists don't want to know? It is the opposite. "Understanding" by forcing religious explanations on things short circuits any search for the truth. How can you understand and integrate new evidence when you are no longer questioning? Better to simply use spiritual tools like "intuition" and let them be understood - or not - with time and real evidence.

    Look to the past, and we see how narrow-minded people were, and how little they understood compared to us. We will appear that way to people in the future, as they will to people further into the future. We are growing in our knowledge and power, but like that spiritual computer, our circuits are in a box that we need to grow out of. Seeking the way beyond that box is what makes one a spiritual atheist.

    By Steven Gillman
  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    nvr, your posts never cease to amaze me.

  • darkuncle29

    We should start a Church. We'll call it the "Temple of the Taoist Jedi-Spiritual Atheist"

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Very Intersting topic...


  • AlphaOmega

    Great post NVR !

    It prompts a question :

    Is the "God" conscious as an entity aside from the sum of the consciousness of the individuals ?

  • nvrgnbk

    Is the "God" conscious as an entity aside from the sum of the consciousness of the individuals ?

    It's a wonderful question!

    And, of course, the answer is...

  • AlphaOmega

    Is the "God" conscious as an entity aside from the sum of the consciousness of the individuals ?

    It's a wonderful question!

    And, of course, the answer is...

    Sorry, you broke up then, say again... it's bad reception here

  • nvrgnbk

    Monday, August 20, 2007

    The Spiritual Energy of Ordinary Things

    Each gesture that we make with our physical bodies has an effect that is much more far reaching than would appear.

    Everything carries vibration, and the vibration of a simple handshake or of a smile carries a spiritual energy that ripples out into the universe to bless it and to add to its positive feeling and content. By contrast, when we withhold gestures of friendship, we express an energy of contraction and separation that has a similar rippling effect.

    In this sense, each of us is totally transparent to the life of the spiritual world and much more powerful in creating effects than we believe ourselves to be. For it is not only the more noticeable actions that we might take that achieve success in the world. It is also the small, unseen gestures of hand, heart, and body that affect the vast spiritual network in which we live, creating a successful outcome when they help uplift the world and contribute to its healing.

    The consciousness of oneself as a spiritual being grows within heart and mind in progressive stages of self-revelation. At one stage, it may be related to knowledge of oneself as having a relationship with the spiritual world, with God, or with the divine Presence within the world in which we live. At another, it may be experienced as an awareness of ourselves as souls and of others as souls, joined in a sacred dance of life. Yet both kinds of awareness can become more detailed and more embodied. They can become an expression of our own, intimate clairvoyance which allows us to see and to know the energetic effect of whatever we do.

    The important principle here is that everything carries energy. Everything has a vibration of a spiritual nature. We are never invisible, and we are never disengaged from making an impact on the rest of life. Since this is true, it becomes imperative that we consider what effect we wish to have on life, for this contributes not only to the well-being of others, but also to the effect that life will have upon us, for what we give, we shall receive. The effect that we choose will color our lives far more than any seemingly random event that appears to occur by chance. Our interaction with life, consciously chosen, will create a lens through which all of life is viewed, including all events which might enter our life that appear to be accidental or serendipitous.

    When we choose to create a positive effect in life, to let every gesture be an expression of love and of a desire to participate in a sacred world, we ourselves are uplifted by this intention and can know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the world is also uplifted by our intention. The fact that this intention is invisible is only true at the level of the physical. In terms of spiritual energy, our intentions are very visible to those who can see or feel spiritual energy, and we live constantly in a matrix of such energetic interactions.

    Think of the ordinary gestures of the most ordinary of days – washing, cleaning, driving, walking, carrying, holding, listening, writing…

    Now imagine that while engaged in any of these, that a subtle spiritual energy is emanating from you to the rest of the universe, proceeding outward in waves from the physical body that is the point of emanation, and the heart that is the point of feeling. See what quality of consciousness you can bring to these simple things – to the very ordinary things of life, for in this decision lies a world of meaning and a world of accomplishment – the accomplishment of having determined to live a life that is sacred and that upholds the intimate connection that it has with the rest of Life.


  • Gopher

    Just popping in here to say -- I agree with the part of that last blog that says we can contribute positive energy to our environment or to the people we know. We contribute to the "vibe" around us. I think we instinctively know that, whether atheist or believer.

    I find phrases like the following to be a little new-ageish for my taste:

    Everything carries vibration, and the vibration of a simple handshake or of a smile carries a spiritual energy that ripples out into the universe

    Again , is that provable or measurable? Or is it just a good thought that we should contribute positively to the welfare of others? I'd like to see "spiritual energy" defined? Can it be studied? The skeptic in me wants to know.

  • GentlyFeral

    Hmm, as a theist I may be a "Spiritual Atheist" after all. This isn't much different from Pantheism or Panentheism, with a little linguistic squeamishness added. Religious Science is a denomination that teaches a very similar definition of God. Their position on "sin" is: "The only real sin is believing you're separate from God." I take this to mean that alienation is the root of all acts that make other people miserable.

    Yesterday I was chewing on that verse where Jesus says: "If you disown me before men, I will disown you before my Father in Heaven." My answer: "To call myself a Christian these days is just another way of dragging Jesus' name through the mud." I'm not talking about being "the worst of all sinners," either – just about the gut reaction that most Americans have to that confession.

    gently feral

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