We're all connected- Spiritual Atheism

by nvrgnbk 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher
    I always somehow feel crummy when I say I'm an atheist. I shouldn't, but it seems to imply lack of heart or something.

    Yes, the world (especially American culture) places unfair connotations on atheists. You're a God-hater, or immoral, or what are you doing celebrating Christmas?

    That's why many choose words like agnostic (which just means you don't know) or unbeliever, which is closer.

    I found that by joining my local atheist group, and hearing the very interesting thought process and conversations, and feeling their humanity, that I'm slowly overcoming my shyness about the "atheist" term. I think if more non-believers adopted that term, then more believers would see that atheists aren't really that bad after all.

  • nvrgnbk

    I would prefer a word other than God. It's been used.



    Frankly, this site was the first I heard it called "god" too.

    I've always called it the Oneness.

    This guy hyphenates it. LOL!



  • beksbks

    Yea, I've thought of it like that. Except I know some Republican Atheists, and so sometimes I think of it as the Two-Ness.

  • nvrgnbk
    Except I know some Republican Atheists


    Like our dear friend Gregor.

    I really don't get how that works though.

    I think he's coming around though.

    Right, Gregor?

  • Gopher


    There is no suggestion of anything supernatural. There is no tyrannical taskmaster that seeks to subjugate and divide.It's not a belief in a "Daddy" to make us feel better.

    My thoughts are that I tend to go with what is provable or can be reasonably established by some logical discipline such as science. This concept to me that we're mystically connected by something called "God" hasn't been demonstrated as provable. It's a brainstorm by Soren Sorenson.

    I've been trying for the last 20 minutes to wrap my mind around the phrase "spiritual atheism". Yes, I can see atheists with a measure of spirituality. However, atheism is lack of belief in a god (or personal god, as you might say). Spirituality involves a certain connectedness to our environment and the people around us. I have a hard time linking "a lack of belief" with a "connectedness".

  • nvrgnbk
    I've been trying for the last 20 minutes to wrap my mind around the phrase "spiritual atheism".


    I'm honestly very surprised by your take on this.

    Have you read Sagan's stuff?

    Spirituality involves a certain connectedness to our environment and the people around us. I have a hard time linking "a lack of belief" with a "connectedness".

    I fail to see the contradiction.

    We lack belief in God or unique personalized deities because they are not observed, they exist only in books and oral traditions.

    On the other hand, the connectedness of life, in all its evolved forms, is observed perpetually and fills us with awe and wonder.

  • Gopher


    It's getting late and I need to catch some Z's. Maybe that's why I'm not making even less sense than usual.

    Anyhow, I'd compare this to two foods that I like that I wouldn't put together: Let's say radishes and ice cream. Now, some people might like radishes with their ice cream, but it's not something I'd savor.

    When I think of atheism, it is simply lack of belief in some fatherly divine being. Nothing more or less. It doesn't make me feel positive or wonderful or great or superior, it just is what it is - a lack of belief. (That's the radish part.)

    Now comes the ice cream -- spirituality. A sense of connectedness, of belonging, sharing, caring, etc. That's something I relish and enjoy, and is part of my humanity.

    OK counselor, maybe I get a "W" on use of illustrations, but then again I never gave a student talk at 1:57 a.m.

    Edited - I've read Drew Sagan's stuff! But not Carl Sagan. I hear it's "billions and billions" of pages !!

  • watson


    I digress,

    "oral traditions" kind of sounds "witnessy," doesn't it? Do I smell a troll here?

  • nvrgnbk

    Ok, Gopher.

    I'll be in touch.

    I still feel connected to you.

    You can't take that away from me, no matter how hard you try!


    Rest well, my fellow non-believer.

  • Gopher

    OK, before I go nodding off into the sunset, I did read what Sagan said:

    The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard, who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by 'God,' one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity." [

    So he allowed the possibility of a non-personal God in his own musings. I guess that's what's good about freethought. We don't all have to see things the same way. Yes I also acknowledge there are physical laws, because such have been observed and tested. I don't call those laws "God" any more than I'd call a stop-sign "God".

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