Is JWD #1.....My Therapist....his first advice on JW's, me, and divorce

by oompa 47 Replies latest jw friends


    Oompa - I've posted about leaving my husband, finding out about the cult was the nail in the coffin as there were many issues.

    In September I stayed in a cabin in the woods. I had friends and family with me but still had some "Deep Thoughts" time.( The weed and the hot tub helped me relax and turn other issues off.)

    My conclusion? I can never ever talk to my husband again about the most important things to me. Because those things have changed and they will never change back. Even if all of our issues were "fixed" where would that leave us? I have to move on.

  • wings

    I just started with a therapist, been two times. It would be impossible for her to fully understand what the issues really are with me so soon. She only has a moderate understanding of the JW cult, at best. If I stick with her she will understand more, a lot more.

    Going back to meetings is madness, and bad advice in my opinion. I am not putting down your therapist, however, it may been too soon in your relationship with him for him to get just what going back to meetings really means.

    You are only human, and you can't push yourself too far. I hear in your posts that you are at your end of your ability to tolerate the crap. I have personally pushed myself too far, for good reasons. Remember however, personal limits are real, and the "ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba, hide all the guns" thing really can happen. You don't want to go there, take it from me.

    I am in a similar place in my marriage. I don't want it to end, but I don't see a future. Bad place to be. All I can offer is that I understand.

  • changeling

    I'm with OTWO. Your therapist has good intentions but does not have a clue about JW's. Can't blame him for that, most people don't.


  • OnTheWayOut
    Going back to meetings is madness, and bad advice in my opinion. I am not putting down your therapist, however, it may been too soon in your relationship with him for him to get just what going back to meetings really means.

    A therapist only knows what he knows, and the rest is on you. That's pretty good.

    Well, it was phrased this way: She only has a moderate understanding of the JW cult, at best.
    If I stick with her she will understand more, a lot more.

    If you seem like you want to go back and keep friends, a therapist assumes it is possible.
    From your thoughts, Oompa, I gather that you do think it possible. While I disagree in
    general, you may be right in your specific case. While I believe you would have to become
    a fully re-activated JW to keep your friends, you may be right about keeping other fringe
    friends by going to a few meetings a month.

    So, how much can you pretend to pay attention? How will you explain that you can't or
    won't come to MORE meetings or field circus? You know the drill. If they can do some, they
    can do more.

    If your therapist suggested going back and you didn't scream, "NO WAY!" that's what he had
    to gauge the correctness of his suggestion with. I know I would scream it.

    It's your wife and son that you want to retain. It's your loneliness. It's your life. We can
    agree or disagree. We hope we help you, but you must decide.

    Here's my bad advice that I don't agree with, but seems to take your feelings into consideration:
    You can try what you think will get you by in the congregation. You can try to maintain friendships
    within the confines of a "weak" JW. I think you would know within a few months whether you
    can get away with this, and whether you can stomach the faking it. I wish you well.

  • wings
    You can try to maintain friendships within the confines of a "weak" JW.

    ...hard row to hoe...

    Opinion from a person who made fading a lifestyle and is now in counseling for it.

  • llbh

    Hi oompa,

    I am in similar position myself vis a vie marriage as some here know. What's to do? I like u have children (2 still at home ) that are all lovely 4 what they are. My JW wife is lovely except for the fact that a large part of our life is no longer shared, which would be alright, were it not 4 the fact that so many conversations are off limits for obvious reasons. I will do everything I can to protect the 2 younger children but they do pick up on things. It is as i think you imply two families within one. Solution(s)? Not sure I have built a life outside JW's. Am going to look at starting more in business life or changing to a career. The problems are though the dichotomies, social, emotional and philosophical .I am waiting to see if something precipitates a reaction like get found out posting here, lucky 4 me the Internet is a tool of Satan.

    It is tricky though. On the bright side though your humour always cheers me up. Please do think I am unhappy though. I am not. I am unhappy with the situation. My kids think I am a little wacky!

    regards llbh

  • Magick

    Hi Oompa,

    Sorry you are going through such emotional turmoil right now.

    I faded and am currently on medicaton and am going through counseling for depression. It's quite common when you suffer loss but even more so when you get your world pulled out from underneath you as in our cases.

    Counselors are great and important for recovery. We must remember that they are still people. People with different circumstances than us. They may slant advice based on their viewpoint of morality or religion. They shouldn't do this, but some do.

    Counselors (as with medicine) are a tool. I mean, they are there to listen, hold up a mirror and show us ourselves. They give us emotional tools to help us cope and make good decisions. Ultimately, however the work of getting better...becoming emotionally healthy again is ours.

    This is something foriegn to most former Jehovah's Witnesses. Because, as JWs, we developed "Magical Thinking" "we don't have to fight, because Jehovah will do the fighting for us" "we don't have to worry because Jehovah will take care of it"

    Also, accepting the responsibility for our emotional & spiritual health is foreign to us as well. We are used to the Society taking care of our needs. We don't have to think for ourselves, they do it for us. We have become codependant in an unhealthy relationship.

    I will try to give you my best advice. I may think of more things later...but, here goes:

    • Become your own best friend. Things you would forgive your friend for, forgive yourself. The way you would love a dear friend, love yourself. Encourage yourself. Be patient with yourself. Compliment yourself.
    • don’t let others determine your value. Realize that your intelligence and discernment is what helped you leave the Watchtower Organization. Other people's comments about you is based on limited knowledge and narrow viewpoint. Your strength of character shows from the inside out. Think about the time when you were most are still the same person and still have all the qualities you had then.
    • Decide to Think Differently. Look at your marriage (for example). What has really changed? Your Thinking. Decide to start thinking differently about your marriage. Some things you may see as "negative" are part of life. you might as well try to find the positive.
    • Change your mind to Positive. Start listening to yourself. If you find yourself saying "I can't" "I'm worthless" "I'll never be good enough" quickly tell yourself "STOP!" and change that thought to POSITIVE: "I Can" "I'm worth it!" "I AM good enough" Think positively on your situation and your marriage.
    • Become your own Counselor. Learn as much as you can about mental health. Read articles that will help you cope and provide you with tools to become healthier. Exercise your energy (thoughts) so that you can become mentally strong. Research as if you were trying to help your best friend because you are.
    • Laugh and Smile. watch this youtube video: (or whatever makes you laugh) Laughter causes physiological changes (in our bodies) that can affect well-being.
    • Take Care of Your Body. Eat to live and love your body. Breathe deeply. Exercise. Pamper yourself.

    These are a few things that I have found are invaluable in regaining our emotional health. We are a whole made up of the sum of our parts. By improving our physical health, it improves our emotional health.

    Don't make any life changing decisions when you are going through emotional turmoil. Emotions cloud our thinking and judgement. When making a life decision, filter out emotions if possible or wait until our emotions have subsided.

    Ok, I'm going to talk a little about JWD and my thoughts. (I understand that your "helping" comment was in reference to current JWs in your life.) On another thread I likened JWD to a wonderful buffet. There's a lot to choose from and we may not like everything. We come here and take what we need and go. We can come back any time we want and try something else. We have to be aware of what we are eating here. Is it all deserts? (if so, that's fine...but, we should find emotional nourishment somewhere)

    A person may come here and initially be in great emotional distress. He/she needs someone to understand what they are be able to let it all out so to speak. They may not care about doctrine or religion or research...they just want someone to put their arm around them and say "everything will be ok"

    Now that person comes here and gets that...and a few laughs. He/She feels better. They can either stay and chat, or step away for a while to heal.

    Some months later (or years) this same person comes back. The hurtful and painful emotions have subsided...but, they are bitter and resentful for being betrayed and lied to. They need something else from the board...a way to release anger. They do. They may cause some commotion, get into a few disagreements..but, they feel better. They can either stay and chat, or step away for a while to heal.

    Some time passes...this same person has been thinking about spirituality. He/She wonders if they even believe in God anymore. They need something from the board...a spiritual discussion. They come back and notice there are several people who think like they do...they join in the discussions and are encouraged/discouraged and may encourage/discourage others. They realize that they are now able to think for themselves.

    This is not cut and dry. It's different for everyone. Here's my point. (I think) lol

    We need to talk about our pain to be able to heal. We must allow ourselves time to heal. Once we are healed we should let go of the pain and move on. This is healthy.

    If we keep our pain with us at all times...carry emotional suitcases with us through life, we never heal. Every time we meet someone new...we take them aside and show them our suitcases and say "Look, look at me...this is my pain, this is what I have been through" We feel they won't "know" or "understand" who we really are unless they see where we have come from. This is unhealthy.

    Oompa, I don't know where you are at present. It sounds like you are still going through an emotional crisis of sorts. Your focus should be on healing and getting emotionally healthy again. THEN you can make clearer decisions about other things in your life.

    Hope this helps, it's from the heart (and mind).


  • Dagney

    (Wow, such good replies, and very sobering at the same time.)


    The only thought I could add to maybe consider is to find out what your conviction is in your heart for yourself and your family. Then whatever you do to honor it, no matter what the outcome is, you will feel good about doing. IMHO

    And kudos to you for seeking outside help.

    I wish you strength for the journey.

  • nvrgnbk

    Nothing to add.

    Just want you to know I'm pulling for you, oompa.

    It can really be a mess, as so many of us know.

  • oompa

    So is JWD #1? I don't think we got many ratings but it sure is in my book. So much good advice on these posts....and thanks. Magik needs to open his own practice eh? My middle name is Samsonite. I have been here at JWD really hurting, and been helped ( I am doing much better btw). I also use humor as a release here...ain't it fun to say stuff we never could as a JW! I cuss a lot more now! I have never been able to hold a grudge, so don't know I will feel much anger. But I do sometimes wish I had never awakened, as in many ways it would be easier. Everything was black and white. Now I am the stranger in a strange land. I do feel sorry for my wife though...I have changed and she never could have seen it coming. I still have not decided if I can just go to the occasional meeting or not, or if it is worth it socially. There are just two dubs who will be there regardless and know how I feel, but there are others who may think they know, but will still play golf or tennis and just not ask anything. It is amazing how this changes everything in your life. When I meet old JW friends who are around my wife a lot now, there is like an unseen barrier right there between us....very awkward conversations.....

    I like my therapist and he is pretty on target with me and the dubs. Look how many people do church just for social benefit anyway. But all of these pros seem to talk about divorce like it is NBD in this situation.......thanks again all.......................oompa

    ps...I would give away a lot of cash in exchange for that hot lasting lusty love Sweetstuff is talkin bout......damn

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