I'm converting again.

by reneeisorym 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • changeling
    I belive that God chose me. God put a VERY strong love for HIM inside of me

    Renee: I don't mean to offend, I like you a lot. Also, I know you mean well...But isn't the above statement rather conceited?

    Why did he "chose" you? Why not me?

    What is he going to do to those he does not chose?

    I am a very nice, considerate and helpful person. Am I going to hell because I don't believe and worship?

    Does that make any sense?


  • zamora251978

    I am with Double Edge,

    My children and I started attending a Catholic church with my fiance'. I don't necessarily agree with everything but the enlightment is there. My children love to go and they say they like it better than JW. I like the feeling it gives you and you do feel energized to face the world head on.


  • Junction-Guy

    Renee, I briefly attended a Presbyterian Church in Texas in 1979. I was a young boy then. The people were friendly, I cant recall anything negative about it, other than I remember their services being a little "dry". I remember hating to go to that church, but looking back it wasnt the church itself, but my watchtower programmed hatred for churches.

    Tell your husband that smokers are welcome at my church in Kentucky, we have even been known to take smoke breaks. If anyone at your current Baptist Church is hounding him about his smoking, he should tell them "The Lord isnt convicting me of smoking at this time", that should end the conversation.

    What do you mean about dispensational teachings?. My church believes we are in the last days, but we dont get into dates, chronology, etc etc etc .

    How big is your Baptist church? Are you a modern church?

    I know you believe in predestination, but arent there any good FreeWill Baptist Churches in Mississippi?

  • Gringa

    hummm. interesting.

    First of all, I find the Catholics are as full of as much guilt as the JWs, and all their saints and all that crap blow my mind. Living in a Catholic country now, I find it shocking - especially when my friend walks to the Guadalupe church to buy his little card to write his promise to "the virgin" - I will not drink for 1 month - I find it weird and I chuckle to myself. I am sickened that these poverty stricken people have to PAY $500 US Dollars to get married in the church, or to have their new house or car blessed by the priest. I believe that the Catholic church is the biggest surpresser of people on the planet. Thank God, the young people are using birth control here, in defiance of the church!! WOOHOO - no more familes with 25 children in this younger generation.

    From where I sit, and this is truly not in judgement, well, OK, maybe it is..... when I started seeing the lies in the JW, it opened my mind to the possibility that the WHOLE thing is a fraud. Then as years go by and I find out about the fraud of the books of the Bible, I realise that it is all a GREAT BIG MIND CONTROL to keep the masses in line. IT is NOT just the JWs that are cults - It is ALL religion, some just worse than others.

    I just can't understand how people can't see it. Reading your explanation left me wondering why you just traded in one cult for another - but, hey, that is just me...... Look, I have friends that are religous, I respect their beliefs, but when one opens up on a message forum, I believe it is ok to question them and you did ask for input - from anyone. (I am saying this to anyone who might slam me for my post, I am defending myself from the Christians ahead of time Gringa's lesson 1 in how to win friends and influence people)

  • Sunspot

    Hi Sweetie,

    I know zip about the Presbyterian beliefs, but if you find peace and enjoyment in the service and with the Pastor (or I should say in what he preaches)---then go for it! You can always change your mind down the road if you find something that you definitely disagree with or that spiritually speaking, rubs you the wrong way. We know that the members will not be instructed never to speak to you ever again if they see you in Walmart!

    I truly wish you the very best in your new path.



  • Junction-Guy

    Gringa, you may consider all churches to be cults, and that is your opinion and that is ok. My church does not hinder children from getting a college education, my church does not hinder them from innocent dating of the opposite sex. My church does not cause children to be social misfits. My church encourages civic responsibilty and encourages the young to defend our country if necessary. It may be true that all churches may be considered cults in some definitions, but not all churches damage children to the extent that the Watchtower and other high control groups do.

    Technically speaking the whole world is a cult.

  • Gringa

    JG - Agreed!!!

  • Junction-Guy

    Wheeew, thank God !!!

  • onacruse

    imho, if a person decides to join a particular church, it only matters if they are doing it with eyes wide open.

    Jim Whitney (aka Amazing) decided to rejoin the Catholic church, for very specific purposes. Good enough.

    Merry Magdalene decided to join the Islamic belief system, again with a clear intent and awareness. Good enough.

    Sometimes I've even imagined myself as a JW again. To be honest, if they would accept me for what I am, then I might not have a big problem with that...which is why I went back the first time.

    In that respect, the exclusivity of a religion is perhaps the most telling aspect of its acceptability to thinking people.

  • dawg

    I'm so damn mad you two agreed, I was waiting with baited breath to hear that conversation... damn it Gringa... you too JG... Ha!

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