I just had a rather lengthy conversation with a friend about the differences between Catholic, Baptist and JW. He said that they all three make very similar demands
on your time and they all have the same sort of fear factor that motivates you to continue your service. He has personally chosen to be a Baptist. He said that Catholics
think that they believe in Christ but they really don't. Therefore, because they don't really know that they don't believe in Christ then they will die and burn in hell at the
final hour because they don't really have the faith. He said that they had gone to a Presbertyian church and they really did seem to study the bible, having 3 and 4 translations
available. It sounded educational. After the conversation it reinforced in my mind that I don't care to ever belong to a church. They all seem so ready to send you to
hell and I have had enough of that, hell, the lake of fire, everlasting death. Whichever you choose they all seem to be rather judmental.
My personal preference is summed up in the Dalai Lama's words: "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy, our
own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
Though, Renesorym, I do understand your desire to teach your children about the bible and the things that you believe. I hope that you and
your family find hapiness and enlightenment in whatever course you desire.