I remember being in nearly the same position--nearly, because I was a regular publisher when they wanted to make me an MS. Same 10 fake hours every month.
Your BoE sounds desperate to bump you up. But in time I began to hate myself for the lies I had to preach from the platform, the bull**** book studies I had to conduct, and the field circus I also had to lead.
It didn't help that I had a job with long hours, but the insane "eat-shave-dress-scram" routine every meeting night just drove me insane. If you choose to take it, bear in mind that getting out will be much harder than getting in....
On the other hand, if you're the particularly vindictive type, then being an elder might give you access to BoE letters and such. You can be the one "nice, approachable" elder and give them REAL advice for their big problems, not just regurgitating the most recent WT or Asleep. And, if you become a really useful elder and then get deleted, the effect on a congregation's morale is generally pretty depressing.