They want to make me an elder :-O

by outofthebox 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • kifoy
    I say no -> My family is unhappy -> BAD

    Who will be unhappy? Your wife or your kids? It certainly is more status in being an elders wife... so I can see her point of view
    But if you tell your kids that if you become an elder, they need to be good examples to all the other kids in the cong... I think that the kids might think that their father not being an elder, is a good thing...
    And if you sit down and explain to your family that you rather spend that time with them, and really do that. (But then, of course, it is a "privilege"...). You can say that you need more time, and might say yes the next time.

    And then, before next time, reduce you FS time to right below 10 hours, but just enough to avoid questions. Maybe you can allow your kids (depends on their age) to do something that an elder's child should not do (nothing really bad, but something that will make them/you a bad example).

    I don't think this will make your family too unhappy, will it? And My father was an elder, and I sort of wish he wasn't.

    Personally I think, as long as you just keep up your appearances for your family, you should not say yes.


  • nvrgnbk
    Here's an idea ...... Before you accept, sit down and write a letter about how you feel about the WT org, and God (keeping them separate) making sure to list UN, pedophile problem, mis quotes, false prophecies - long list. DATE IT AND SEND IT TO YOURSELF REGISTERED MAIL TO HAVE THE DATE IMMORTALIZED. then after the holy spirit appointment, you can prove to your family that the WT hs is totally man made. wp

    Best suggestion yet!

  • Bryan

    Submit to the collective borg and make as many copies as you can. Report as many child molesters as you can find.

    Hang in there for 5 years, then write the book!



  • BizzyBee
    We need someone to 'take one for the gipper' Lack of elders on this site has limited our reading of the important BOE letters

    I like this one!

    But seriously, you have to think of protecting that which is most important to you, which I presume is your family. We have enough elders and others on here to get the info and publications we need.

    Having said that, I don't agree with the moral imperatives expressed. Deception? Its only a matter of degree. You're already being deceptive as most of us have been at one time or another. It is about survival. I consider myself a very, very honest individual, but I lied through my teeth when I was questioned in a JC. I felt that what they were doing was wrong and immoral, but because they held the power, I fought back the only way that was left to me.

  • outofthebox

    I love the letter idea!

    I also like kifoy comment.

    I should add that my wife knows the truth about the truth. But we have grandfathers, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters that we love but they are still über 'in'.


  • Gringa

    What World Travel said - DITTO!!!

    I can't say any more without being really disrespectful, so I will leave it at that.

  • steve2

    It spells desperation either way: That they should appoint someone an elder on so flimsy a basis and that you should feel the need to ask the forum for advice.

  • Finally-Free
    HEY! Still love the hat on the bird. I tried to put one on our cat, but , well, you know cats.

    Ain't Photoshop great? I don't think I could get Rocco to sit still for the real thing either.


  • yknot

    Pray about it.......

    You are out of the box already mentally........but physically confined by family.

    Do you want to help others by being an Elder?

    Do you want to shepherd?

    Do you think that by being an Elder, having access to "internal" docs, you can show your wife that the WBTS is turning its back on Jah and slaving for riches.

    What are the benefits, what are the drawbacks?


  • reneeisorym

    I suggest coercing your wife into giving her oral sex. Then go to the elders and say you can't in good conscience be an elder considering you have a weakness for her girly bits.

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