ADD, ADHD and dyslexic issues manifest in many different ways. The symtoms can be anywhere from mild to full blown. It IS NOT a disapline problem. People with this challange learn in a different way. Each person needs an individual assesment of how he/she learns. Thankfully now schools can test for this and if willing much can be done to help children as well as adults compensate for this disorder.
I had a difficult time in school, born in 52' , well before any educators had understanding. I did not behave badly just slow to read and stay on task. I self diagnosed as an adult when the issue began to be written about in the early 80's. I had learned to compensate for the difficulties I faced but always felt different. As if I did not belong to the group of 'accepted' people.
I only began to realise that ADD was a part of my JW issues a short time ago. As I said, I was different and as such did not fit into the JW club. They talked down to me and kept me from reaching out to the educational possibilities I craved. My teachers recognized my artistic mind but the 'Meetings' told me not to prusure a career in art nor any endeavor. I tried pioneering but.....are you kidding me LOL.....keep a record of hours, d2d, return visits, underlind the answers......LOL
I have one son with the condition and I never put him on medication. Not that I am against it....if they need a pill, give'em a Pill' but also nutritional and behavioral treatment should be given a chance first.
Please everyone out there that has ever felt ADD or ADHD was an excuse for bad behavior, please do some reading before you pass judgement on us. We are just unique, as you are too.