Anyone else here with ADD/ADHD?

by proplog2 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy
    But I also believe that too many kids are labelled with the ADD badge these days, leaving me to doubt its existence. Many times I wonder whether it's simply a lack of discipline. I'm dreading becoming a teacher, to be honest, when if I tell the kids off I get the parents ringing up with the "Don't you know he's got ADD" line.....

    Unless you are with them all the time, you might not have enough information to make a call on it. If you know what you are looking at, it stops looking like a lack of discipline and you can see the mind running laps around everyone elses. They're constantly bored and waiting on everyone else.

    School was tough for me because I had the whole texbook read by the second week, the rest of the school year was torture while everyone discussed for months what was then old to me.


  • faundy

    I agree my knowledge on the subject is limited, I just wonder whether it is a new phenomenon and am puzzled as to why you never read of any Victorian kids with it.

  • MadTiger

    The basic personality archetypes have always been around. As the physical environment changes (scientific/technological advances), so does the social environment, and the various manifestations of our cultures.

    You had ADD/ADHD Roman kids. And they probably got a nicer spanking than some would today when they weren't on the ball with their lessons.

  • jaguarbass

    Hey Estee, were kindred spirits.

  • wanderlustguy
    Victorian kids with it.

    I think for the same reason many other mental illnesses were not yet identified. Mental illness used to be written off as bad spirits, the guy/girl isn't right with God, maybe we need to poke a hole in their head and let some blood out, or even the brutal frontal lobotamies with icepicks driven up through the patient's nose or eye sockets.

    Progress. But I do see the point, and it is very possible that some do use the mental illness card where there is none, or at least not in the kids...

  • Armageddon Dad
    Armageddon Dad

    I've never been a JW but my son lives with his mother and stepfather who are JWs.

    But talking from experience here, apparently my son had behavorial problems only at the mothers house, but he's a good as gold here in my care.

    A couple of times the Jws dragged my son to the GP for some kind of mental illness, madness such as ADHD or autism (according to the stepfather).

    However, it was to be the start of the Jws mother and stepfather unravelling of the web of deceit, lies and the fact my son was simply just rebelling against the strict rules of the Watchtower. Of course the Jws wouldn't blame there own parenting skills or the fact my son was fed up of religion being force fed and instead wanted to participate in social events such as Easter, Birthdays, Christmas and play with friends, instead they would use unreasonable guilt on my son and blame him for thier own,... inadequacies.

    Mind you his Dad (me) was there to help out with the true diagnosis of what was happening to my son ;)

    What I am trying to say is, while ADHD and other mental illnesses can and do exist and are difficult to handle for parents. I do wonder if a any Jw kid labelled with a mental illness as a teenager wasn't simply due to rebelling as any normal child would under such a strict regime.

    Hope this helps someone?

  • UU Now
    UU Now
    I think ADD is just for parents who do not know how to deal with high energy intelligent children! No offense of course.

    Gee, why would I be offended by that?

    My daughter has been diagnosed with ADD. She is extremely intelligent; she is not necessarily all that "high energy." She's not the stereotypical "bouncing off the walls" ADD/ADHD kid. She's not undisciplined, either.

    She is, indeed, a handful of a child. But the worst of her ADD-related problems occurred at school, not at home with me. At home it's annoying, but nothing I can't deal with, thank you.

  • tinker

    ADD, ADHD and dyslexic issues manifest in many different ways. The symtoms can be anywhere from mild to full blown. It IS NOT a disapline problem. People with this challange learn in a different way. Each person needs an individual assesment of how he/she learns. Thankfully now schools can test for this and if willing much can be done to help children as well as adults compensate for this disorder.

    I had a difficult time in school, born in 52' , well before any educators had understanding. I did not behave badly just slow to read and stay on task. I self diagnosed as an adult when the issue began to be written about in the early 80's. I had learned to compensate for the difficulties I faced but always felt different. As if I did not belong to the group of 'accepted' people.

    I only began to realise that ADD was a part of my JW issues a short time ago. As I said, I was different and as such did not fit into the JW club. They talked down to me and kept me from reaching out to the educational possibilities I craved. My teachers recognized my artistic mind but the 'Meetings' told me not to prusure a career in art nor any endeavor. I tried pioneering but.....are you kidding me LOL.....keep a record of hours, d2d, return visits, underlind the answers......LOL

    I have one son with the condition and I never put him on medication. Not that I am against it....if they need a pill, give'em a Pill' but also nutritional and behavioral treatment should be given a chance first.

    Please everyone out there that has ever felt ADD or ADHD was an excuse for bad behavior, please do some reading before you pass judgement on us. We are just unique, as you are too.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    the western diet/lifestyle is the cause of so many "diseases" .. many not all

  • tinker

    um..... ADD or ADHD is not mental illness. It is a challenging learning disability for sure but not psyhotic.

    Not to be too PC, but I sort of take offense to the Mental Illness reference. And don't anybody go to the Retarded Label, OK. my brother called me Retard and Moron, I got issues

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