Anyone else here with ADD/ADHD?

by proplog2 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff

    While I agree with the idea that medicating children to make them more compliant is wrong, it depends on the severity of the symptoms, if a child is miserable and depressed because he/she can't learn, concentrate, etc, then perhaps the medication is a good thing, not a fan of Ritilan however. My daughter's teacher thought she had "ADD" in first grade, I disagreed, completely, having been familiar with the symptoms of my younger brother, she was just very bright and easily bored. I never medicated her. Some teachers want parents to medicate every child who doesn't sit still, or pay attention. That is not ADD/ADHD, that's lazy teachers.

    But for those who suggest ADD or ADHD doesn't really exist or may not, you are wrong. Sorry, you are. Just because they haven't figured out how to properly diagnose it yet, or find the proof of how it effects the brain, doesn't mean its not real. I am sure those who said someone who had schizophrenia was "possessed" in years gone by, would wholeheartedly agree. If you dont' understand something, it must not be real right?

  • UU Now
    UU Now

    My daughter has taken Concerta for her ADD. It does not make her compliant or docile.

  • SickofLies

    But for those who suggest ADD or ADHD doesn't really exist or may not, you are wrong. Sorry, you are. Just because they haven't figured out how to properly diagnose it yet, or find the proof of how it effects the brain, doesn't mean its not real. I am sure those who said someone who had schizophrenia was "possessed" in years gone by, would wholeheartedly agree. If you dont' understand something, it must not be real right?

    Maybe someone else suggested this but I did not. However you seem to have implied:

    1. It cannot be properly diagnosed with accuracy

    2. There is no proof for how it affects the brain

    If that is true and I believe it is, as a society we are medicating people randomly based on a abstract concept that cannot be proven. Do some people feel that this has totally changed their lives for the better? Without doubt. However there is still a need to find a underlying physical cause for these disorders and find a means to treat the disorder and not the symptom. Psychiatry has is the only branch of medicine that has never cured any diseases. We may not view people as possessed, but they have no more hope today in severe cases than they did 100 years ago. Schizophrenia is only treatable in a small number of cases and those usually are not severe.

    I myself use to work in the mental health field, although not as a mental health professional, but have had this confirmed by many doctors and social workers.

    There needs to be a revolution in the way the field of psychiatry is approached. For more information I encourage anyone interested to pick up the latest copy of skeptic magazine which has a great article in it about the new direction of psychiatry that is being looked into today.

  • VampireDCLXV

    I'm resurrecting this thread because I was just officially diagnosed at the end last week. Coincidentally it was ADHD awareness week which I completely forgot about. (Typically ADD.) I'll be posting info and links as I find them here and there. Things have changed since even two years ago when this thread was started.

    And to ask the question again: Any one else here who has ADHD? How did you get diagnosed?
    Excessively vociferous skeptics will be pulverized...


  • asilentone

    laverite has phd in psychology, he might be able to help you.

  • VampireDCLXV

    ASO, does it mean that laverite knows much about ADHD? Not necessarily. Experts in the field are few and far between. He will have to speak to that himself...


  • CuriousButterfly

    I think I have ADD, never diagnosed. Someone at work who has an adult niece said I may have it. I have always had a problem comprehending the bible or anything with long run-on sentenced paragraphs. Sometimes I felt so dumb and inadequate. Give me a book/mag with shorter paragraphs I can comprehend with no problems. My co-worker stated my brain sees all the words (in large paragraphs) and is trying to obtain as much info causing my brain to not comprehend.

    This also happens when I am at a store that is not orderly and makes it difficult to look for something since I keep getting distracted. The common denominator would be I get distracted easily and I need lists to accomplish anything at hom e to stay on track as well as comprehension when an article/book I read has very long paragraphs.

    Does she make sense?

  • VampireDCLXV

    Hi CuriousButterfly!

    I'll say that most definitely sounds like you DO have ADHD, but I can't diagnose you and self diagnosis is a potentially dangerous thing. There are more things to look at as well. Did you do poorly in school? Did teachers complain about you? How well do you keep up with domestic duties? How is your work performance? Do you do poorly in the social realm? Did you have only a few friends throughout life? There are many questions that have to be asked. ADHD is a lifelong thing and pervades every aspect of life on a chronic and daily basis. There is no adult onset.
    Here's is one of many questionnaires you can take to at least give yourself a clue as to whether you really do have it:

    If you have a relatively high score, it would be a could idea to see a doctor about it. Do you have a family doctor? Do you live in or near a large city? You need a doctor to refer you to a specialist. As I've already mentioned, those who can diagnose and treat ADHD are still few and far between. Another couple of links on how ADHD is diagnosed:

    I find it laughable that critics point out that there is no blood test for ADHD. Of course there is no blood test. There are NO blood tests for ANY psychiatric disorders or other known dis-functionalities of the brain. There actually ARE experimental brain scans that show differences between normal brains and those of ones with ADHD but they are rare and experimental. Those who doubt the validity of the psychiatric sciences belong to the 'tin hat brigade' IMO.

    Well, good luck and, yes, CuriousButterfly does make sense to this ADHDer. If she really does have ADHD, then she really does have a mind like a butterfly, flitting around, hardly stopping to alight anywhere for long. Poor thing...


    PS: Is it okay if I send you a PM?

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    marking for if we ever need some advice in the future . . .

  • VampireDCLXV

    Calling laverite...


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