Anyone else here with ADD/ADHD?

by proplog2 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • CuriousButterfly

    I'll say that most definitely sounds like you DO have ADHD, but I can't diagnose you and self diagnosis is a potentially dangerous thing. There are more things to look at as well.

    Did you do poorly in school? No I excelled in school but sometimes I felt stupid. Looking back I think maybe the lessons were so wordy and hard for me to comprehend.

    Did teachers complain about you? The complaints were I was too social and talking all the time.

    How well do you keep up with domestic duties? I do very well...BUT if I get off schedule it is work to get back on track. I am able to accomplish tasks by making a list of my things to do on an almost daily basis to keep me on track.

    How is your work performance? I exceed my performance.

    Do you do poorly in the social realm? Depends. Usually great but sometimes I feel "a fish out water".

    Did you have only a few friends throughout life? Always lots of friends.

    PS: Is it okay if I send you a PM? Please do.

  • CuriousButterfly

    Here is the result of the test.

    Jasper/Goldberg Adult ADD Questionnaire

    Larry Jasper & Ivan Goldberg Updated: Jan 18th 2006

    Score Interpretation
    70 and upAdult ADD/ADHD
    50 - 69Moderate ADD
    35 - 49Mild ADD
    25 - 34Borderline ADD
    0 - 24No ADD/ADHD Likely

    You scored a total of 47.

    You appear to suffer from mild attention and concentration difficulties, sometimes associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. People with similar scores have occasional difficulties concentrating on a single task, or paying attention in meetings, discussions, or staying 'on task'. These symptoms appear to be causing you some noticeable signs of impairment and distress, and would likely benefit from the attention of a trained mental health professional for further evaluation and a more accurate diagnosis. If your employer offers an Employee Assistance Program, you might also contact them for help and referral.

  • VampireDCLXV

    I'm back with more for this thread, you all.

    First to answer some of my own questions in response to CuriousButterfly...

    Did you do poorly in school? No I excelled in school but sometimes I felt stupid. Looking back I think maybe the lessons were so wordy and hard for me to comprehend.

    I did relatively poorly in school. I passed all the grade levels and graduated but my academic performance was always sub-par. I barely graduated High-School; never could go to College...

    Did teachers complain about you? The complaints were I was too social and talking all the time.

    My teachers complained bitterly about many things... My lack of attentiveness to what was going on in class. I was constantly daydreaming and drifting off... My lack of efficiency in completing school work and a lack of ability to stay on task... My lack of ability to control my temper. Teachers always thinking I was causing trouble when I was simply (over)reacting to bullying from others... My lack of follow-through when it came to homework assignments and the related. Constant complaints about homework being "messy and incomplete"...

    How well do you keep up with domestic duties? I do very well...BUT if I get off schedule it is work to get back on track. I am able to accomplish tasks by making a list of my things to do on an almost daily basis to keep me on track.

    I do very poorly in this regard. I can barely tolerate even a minimum of housework. Cooking for myself is out of the question most of the time. It's hard for me to stay on track with almost anything that is uninteresting. Constant distractions...

    How is your work performance? I exceed my performance.

    I do poorly in this regard as well. I work at a very slow pace compared to others. If I end up being rushed and hurried, I make a lot more errors and omissions. My income potential over the years has been severely limited so far because of all this...

    Do you do poorly in the social realm? Depends. Usually great but sometimes I feel "a fish out water".

    I constantly struggle with social awkwardness. The "fish out of water" feeling constantly plagues me. Lifelong damage to my self esteem further limits my abilities in the social realm. My love-life is practically non existent...

    Did you have only a few friends throughout life? Always lots of friends

    Friendships have always been a difficult proposition for me at the best of times. Very few friendships throughout my life. Too easy for me to loose contact. Too easy for others to loose interest in me...

    And people think that ADHD is just some dumb excuse?


  • VampireDCLXV

    MY quiz results...

    Jasper/Goldberg Adult ADD Questionnaire

    Larry Jasper & Ivan Goldberg Updated: Jan 18th 2006

    Score Interpretation
    70 and upAdult ADD/ADHD
    50 - 69Moderate ADD
    35 - 49Mild ADD
    25 - 34Borderline ADD
    0 - 24No ADD/ADHD Likely

    You scored a total of 86.

    You appear to be suffering from severe attention and concentration difficulties often associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. People with similar scores have great difficulty concentrating on a single task, and cannot pay attention in meetings, discussions, or stay 'on task'. These symptoms appear to be causing you some serious impairment and distress in your normal, everyday functioning. You would likely benefit from the immediate attention of your physician or a trained mental health professional for further evaluation and a more accurate diagnosis and treatment. If your employer offers an Employee Assistance Program, you might also contact them for help and referral.


  • purplesofa

    I read the book

    You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!

    Although, I have not been diagnosed profession with ADD after reading the book I am sure I have it.

    I have my good days and bad days with it.

    Would like to get on Adderal and see how it might help.


  • VampireDCLXV


    I have that book on my shelf too. Care to take this quiz and post the results?


  • purplesofa

    I took the test and got an 84!

  • VampireDCLXV
    I took the test and got an 84!

    YIKES! Try to find an ADHD professional ASAP. That's what I'm in the process of doing right now...


  • purplesofa

    lol I know I know

  • purplesofa

    It really is very hard to deal with.

    I probably would have scored higher but I just did not want to admit full on that it's just that bad ...on some of the questions.


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