you got a pm, please.
by proplog2 67 Replies latest jw friends
you got a pm, please.
Got it, darlin'. Take care...
I get this newsletter
You've got a PM, Purps. Keep in touch...
Now that they have a name for it, I suspect I have a touch of self induced /self taught A.D.D. I had always blamed it on having to sit through 5 and 8 day assemblies from 9am to 9pm as a Kid. I truly believe I developed a coping mechanisim that enabled me to "check out" for hours and even days at a time. All through school I would have to fight this ability/habit.
( I notice the A.D.D. never kicks in while I'm watching my HDTV )
Seriously though, I can imagine the difficulty a child or parent of a child would have in any kind of structured environment, where sitting for long periods or having to be quiet was involved. I can't imagine they could ever feel normal while trying to cram themselves into the "expected" mold. I'm glad we live in an age where most people are aware of these conditions and recognize them for what they are.
I scored an 89 on that test
I don't have time to say more now but I'll try to check back in tomorrow.
Another welcome for TotallyADD. If you see this, please check in here, eh? You're not alone here.
If you have the time, please take this quiz and post the results for us.
If anyone else is interested, please post here as well.
Hello VampireDCLXV, It's funny because of my ADD I was going back and forth through all the threads. Got bored so I went to active topics, didn't see anything on 1st page then went to another then another, lo and behold I came to this thread on ADD/ADHD. Read all the pages on it and was amazed to see your request for me to take the test. I did and scored a 62 which means I have moderate ADD. I found this out back in Nov. of 2007. And here all my teachers thought I was lazy and day dream all the time. Started school in 1959. They didn't have a clue what ADD was back then. My therapist told me it was just recently discovered if you had ADD/ADHD as a child you do not out grow it. You continue to have it as a adult. I was 53 when I found out and have been on ritalin ever since. It has change my world. I was able to read both of Ray Franz and numerous others. I have never been able to do that before. I also find coffee to help alot. Believe it or not I can drink and cup before bed and it puts me right to sleep. Once in a great moon I will have a PTSD attack, usually around 2 or 3 in the morning because it totally wakes me up I will go out into the kitchen and make a pot of coffee after I cup and a boring infomercial I fall asleep within minutes I fall back to sleep. Here are some titles of books you may want to read. 1. You Mean I am not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy by (Kate Kelly and Peggy) 2. ADD and loving it. DVD 3. Totally ADD tips for and Organized life. That's were I got my thread name. 4. Is it You, Me or Adult ADD. by (Gina Pera). I hope this will help you. I know the frustration of this disorder, but that all it is. It can be dealt with lots of understanding and knowledge on the subject. Thanks for inviting me to take the test. I gald to have someone else understand what it's like to have ADD/ADHD. Totally ADD