Well since I'm the president of the united states I don't see what the problem is!!!!
Richie's side, Seth's side... and a third side
by AlmostAtheist 66 Replies latest jw friends
I do not understand why so many people that have never been in a tattoo parlor, or are customers of Ritchie, think that this is a big deal. Are people LOOKING for something to get their panties in a bunch?
Whippin' a dead horse gets old.
Oh my damn. Folks I'm not condoning a lie that impacts this guys business, but Richie is a kid (maybe a legal adult but a kid none the less.) It's less than classy to trash him online (us and Seth IMHO.)
There are always three sides to every story -His -Hers -and the truth. I learned that from my divorce.
Simon I completely respect your opinion, but I think we have better things to discuss (BJs -sorry trying to break the tension.) Have any of you guys been pierced by RR in a living room at a party? Didn't think so.
I have trouble believing all of his stories, but with all whoppers, there is an element of truth. Maybe he hung out at the shop. Maybe he learned to pierce there. Maybe he was never on the pay roll. Only those two know.
That's about all I have to say about that -Forrest Gump -
OK. One last thing. If he is performing unlicensed body piercing, that needs to stop. Someone could get seriously hurt.
Now I'm done. -
BlackSwan of Memphis
OK. One last thing. If he is performing unlicensed body piercing, that needs to stop. Someone could get seriously hurt.
Now I'm done.That's the one thing I'm concerned about...
OK. One last thing. If he is performing unlicensed body piercing, that needs to stop. Someone could get seriously hurt
Things may have changed, since, but last time I checked, not all states even had liscensing for body piecing.
RIchie is quoted as saying:.."No matter what I say, people aren't going to believe me."
So what is the truth? IS there a truth to be had?
Whose business is it anyway? Certainly not anyone on this Board. These two people need to sort this out between them and leave all the intermediaries on both sides need to find a new game.
Which should have been the side in the first place instead of the goddamn bloodbath that happened.....
Well, I think the term "bloodbath" is a gross exaggeration of what has really occured here. Most people see this as much ado about nothing, which is what it is.
My God, what small lives we all have.
Seems to me...........................
..... that we read two types of threads. One type is the discussion of beliefs, events etc. In other words, it's in the 'third person' and generally we can exchange views on the facts of the matter quite easily and often with stimulation.
The other type of post is the one which is a chronicle of the poster's life with all of its drama and emotion. This type of post is the one where subterfuge and fraud may be used. We've seen that, of course, on occasions and just recently too (dedpoet/Trevor). They are so prone to exaggeration and manipulation that I've taken the stance for myself of paying no great heed to them.
Too often I think to myself, "this is a con" (Australian fo fraud) and am amazed that so many get involved in other people's dramas, real or imagined.
Did Richie lie? Frankly I don't give a stuff; I have no interest one way or the other. It saddens me that the cyber world has replaced reality for so many.
Cheers, Ozzie (Truth in Posting class)