Richie's side, Seth's side... and a third side

by AlmostAtheist 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    my question is............ WHO WAS HURT BY ANYTHING RICHIE SAID?

    NOBODY.............. no one at all.

    I disagree. I don't blame Seth one bit for wanting to publicise his side of this if Richie's lies are affecting his business. This is his livelihood and I can imagine that in the tattoo / piercing business reputation is everything.

  • Gregor

    Anyway... Ritchie is NOT a man... until he owns up to whatever lies/whoppers he has told - even if it means that he looks foolish for telling such whoppers. It's all part of growing up - and becoming a man.

    Somehow I think "looking foolish" is of no concern to RR!

    Not too long ago, RR told about going to the KH (can't remember the reason, funeral?) and he gave his mother the cold shoulder and she cried. That was sad to me and I tried not to judge him on that because I don't know the big picture. It was still sad.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    lol... if people would spend as much time on important things as they spend on non-issues...

  • primitivegenius

    question........... how many people on jwd............... are gonna get pierced by seth?

    how many of us in seths area that post on jwd would go to seths place........ or would choose to go somewhere else on purpose?

    i honestly dont think that its an issue........ how has it hurt his business......... did rich get up on a soap box and say anything bad about seth before seth showed up?

    did rich say............... DONT GO TO SETHS? or SETH DOES BAD WORK?

    if so i havent seen it. now i will admit if someone is slinging crap on my business then yeah that needs to end but on jwd? nah thats a total waste of seths time.

    if rich was doing something there locally that was ruining his rep then sure go after it locally but jwd is a bit much IMHO

    does ritchie owe seth an appology for claiming to have done peirceings in his shop......... maybe so but he dosent owe me one

  • wanderlustguy
    Try running Vista. You'll have time to BBQ a steak too!

    I do.

    Even if it did/does affect the piercer's business, I doubt it is through the forum. Seriously doubt it, there are maybe 4-5 of us that are or ever were in Raleigh. But I do know business people...and if I had a guy working for me with my blessing who was not properly licensed and something came of it...I'd call him a liar.

    And if I was the dude who was doing the work...I'd be hard pressed to be believed against a guy who owned a business and knows how to talk to people. But to cover my ass if I was short of money, it's not inconceivable that the young dumb me wouldn't poke a few people for cash and refer to the shop where I learned how to do it in a pinch. Desperate times make people do dumb stuff.

    The truth is, we'll never really know the truth, even with all the informed opinions in the world. I doubt there is a person here who has never done anything dishonest before, it doesn't mean we would now. So I'm not condemning either one of these guys because I just don't know the truth.

    As always, my opinion, and worth about that much.


  • SixofNine

    How would you feel if you were one of the beautiful young girls Ritchie has used as props?

    As a beautiful young man, I can tell you, hurts!

    And as a professional bouncer, I can tell you that when soft actors try to feed off the good will and respectful awe that our profession naturally generates, it can tend to lower the bar, if you know what I mean.

    What if you were a new ex-JW, and all the mad-props Ritchie received on this forum, combined with his measured-but-impassioned apologetics for all things "rebel", caused you, in an ego-weak moment, to shave your pubes, tattoo a geometric design around your genitalia, and go to memorial wearing nothing but leather chaps under your pea coat? You think a month in jail is bad?

    Oh, he hurt people all right.


    Blah BlahBlah Blah....."I exaggerated,sorry guys"..........Thats all..No need to make a big deal,if thats all it is!..........Either way,it`s not a big deal..But..It is something that should be cleared up..So you can feel good about posting here..........You want to come back/We want you back............FireworksFireworks..It`s a Win/Win deal for everyone..FireworksFireworks...........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • tijkmo

    i'm sorry to have to inform you...

    katiekitten isn't a maths teacher

  • hillary_step

    Richie may have lied and as I have noted, he would not be the first young man who has. If he were an adult, expectations of remorse would be greater than they are with a young man. Though he has been treated as an adult by most on this Board and that he has been empowered by support from his "friends" in some very irresponsible behavior in the past, he is barely a child. He may have an adult way with words, but basically he was, and probably is, a confused young man.

    It is tough enough for adults to leave the WTS and its cultic modal, it must be much harder for a young man who knew no other life to do so. It is also very tough for many adults to know when the lines between the one-dimension of discussion Board life and "real" life end and begin, it is no easier for a young person.

    I once called for his exclusion on this Board when he was seventeen as I do not think this Board was a healthy place for an impressionable young man who was just emerging from the WTS to spend much time, and I still believe this to be true. All you "friends" of Ritchie who gurgled with delight at his every word and action are in some way to blame for what he has become. He will of course claim that he is his "own man", unaffected by others opinions of himself. He has a body full of tatoos and a broken family life behind him, all gained within the last twenty-four months that show that peoples views of him matter very greatly.

    Just walk gently now.


  • hillary_step

    PS - I have no idea why my text is highlighted. My apologies for whatever reason.


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