Did Richie lie? Frankly I don't give a stuff; I have no interest one way or the other. It saddens me that the cyber world has replaced reality for so many.
A very wise and profound statement.
Cheers - HS
by AlmostAtheist 66 Replies latest jw friends
Did Richie lie? Frankly I don't give a stuff; I have no interest one way or the other. It saddens me that the cyber world has replaced reality for so many.
A very wise and profound statement.
Cheers - HS
I have thought from the beginning of this, just how easy it would be for a few people that I work with who know that I'm an ex-JW and participate in this website to take the TIME to find out what my on-screen name is by reading posts and bios for several days. I even shared the meaning of my on-screen name with a good friend who is NO longer a friend.
If she were to remember that and again, take the time to find this website, she could post her side of a disagreement that we 'broke up' over and name me by personal name and user name. It was work related, however it was not an ethical disagreement nor a legal one-it was a difference of opinion on handling the same customer we each had by coincidence while we were each employed at different dealerships.
Except through me, this person has no knowledge of JWs, and would have no right to intrude on my personal communications with you all or to share a personal argument with you. In fact, were she to explain the reason for our breakup, some here (I now see) might take her side and demand an explanation and talk about it for days.
This would be a violation of my privacy and would certainly show character flaws in those that would listen to an 'outsider' who has come aboard solely for the purpose of defaming me--all the while claiming the desire to clear her own name per chance I ever mentioned her here. It is a shame and a sham that WE have permitted this person to come here with the sole aim of ruining RR's reputation, AND allowed this to go the level of 'oh no, not another Trevor and Linda' anxiety. Also, this Seth person used personal info that he gained through friendship with RR to get to this site--Has anyone asked how he found out that RR was a member here?
I think we owe to each other to ignore this sort of crap in the future; we're either here for each other at face value or we're not.
Pioneer says:.."It is a shame and a sham that WE have permitted this person to come here with the sole aim of ruining RR's reputation, AND allowed this to go the level of 'oh no, not another Trevor and Linda' anxiety.
***** I can tell you this much; personally speaking, it would not take much at all if Richie simply showed up with some facts from his own mouth to set the record straight, or....., to simply acknowledge he did not tell the truth about certain episodes being called into question and then apologize.
I'm gonna argue that Vinny. He doesn't owe me anything, I'm only here to stay sane and am grateful to have found folks in the same boat as me, and I wish Sanity for us all here. Seth doesn't matter to me, where RR works or doesn't work doesn't matter to me--his health and welfare are of importance only.
No one needs his support group of any sort ganging up on him because someone barged in to point out an inconsistency that may or may not harm the teller. It's bs.
Try applying this same standard to your mate, neighbor, workmate, boss etc etc, Pioneer. Let's see how far it flies when you catch them lying.
Richie is very capable. I have read his posts many times. He is not a shy man either.
I don't care what Richie or any of you do or don't do for a living.
My two cents is that this situation belongs to nobody but Richie and Seth. Lets move on and keep the Welcome Mat out.
Thank you pioneer spirit!! Especially for pointing out, that this guy invaded RR privacy. I have gone through RR posts, not every one of them, but alot, from the past year. Unless I really missed some things, he said he had a day job, and worked evenings at the piercing place. Was maybe taking a trip, to learn more. He described some piercings. We were all titillated, at some of the pictures! I have not found where he said he actually did piercings. Watched, not performed. .
I am a mentor to young girls about 2- 3 times a year. I ask the patient, in private, if they have any reservations of this girl, watching and learning. I also tell the patient , ( I LIE ) that we have had a few patients that do not feel comfortable, with outside people watching, and if they mind at all, we understand. I have never in all of these years, had anybody say no.
So is it far-fetched to think that Richie hung around and watched? NO People don't mind.
The guy did say, that there were groupies at the other shop, that closed down. The groupies, were known to help run the registers etc... Richie was a customer of progress's too.
My daughter gets her nails done, every 2 weeks in a 1 woman/owner's shop. There are always friends of the owner hanging around. I have seen them clean up the massage chair, empty he water from pedicures, clean up one work station, when the woman moves to the next. I thought she paid them, and they didn't work that hard to get paid. I finally asked, how many people she had working for her, when she was the only money maker. She said, these were friends, that she did their nails for free, and they would come and help, when they weren't busy, to help her out. Tit for Tat.
Was this the case with Richie? I don't know. I just don't see the big deal, with calling out a person, on where he said he worked! And I don't think much of a person, that would come here, and run down a person. I have not found anywhere, please tell me if I am wrong, that Richie has done or said anything to harm this mans business, on the JWD forum. If the man, had found a thread, that did harm him, then make it clear there. But this person started posting everywhere. Simon offered to take down, any offending posts, that would ruin this businessman. He did not respond, that I know of.
Within an hour of the "breaking news" I posted. I stick by the spirit of what I posted.
You know what?? Maybe Richie is a window washer in reality. Is the greeter at Wal-Mart. Or works for the circus, picking up elephant poo, and is too ashamed to admit it. And told us, that he works in a piercing place.He is forgiven. Over... Bye.....
Yes, JK666 it appears some people DO want to get their panties in a bunch over something that is none of their business. Yes, Ozzie, they do think they have "real" relationships with cyber-people they have never met, and that those people owe them something in the "relationship". And yes, Hillary, it is very, very sad what little lives we lead.
Oh, and no Vinny, my comments about this have nothing to do with me being an immoral atheist, but leave it to you to try and make the connection! Are you sure your desire to "stone" Ritchie in the court of public opnion, has nothing to do with you being a theist? (Please do not bother answering, it was a rhetorical question designed to help you see how your reasoning looks from the other foot)
My respect for your opinions Cog, is about the same as it is for lil Richard's... Not much.
How ironic, coming from a man who spent many posts, not so long ago, whining about the lack of respect on the board for his opinions. I guess respect only goes one way. You just admitted you have none.
Since you have trouble reading my posts carefully and accurately, let me explain to you simply. I did not "justify" Ritchie's actions. I don't know what his actions were (and neither does anyone else here except for him and the other guy concerned). I simply asked everyone not to rush to judgement without knowing the facts (this concept may be lost on you). I spoke, not as an atheist, but as a mother, with a son the exact same age, out of concern for his emotional well-being.
In my last paragraph, I said, IF the accusations were true, again, none of us were affected or hurt (except in our own imaginations), so what business is it of ours? I didn't say the actions were justified. I said, IF they are true, give the guy a break (forgive and forget for you Christian types). Would you like everything you ever did wrong as a teenager posted on the internet for all to see and then have everyone weigh in and trash you? I doubt it. I sure wouldn't. Their is a difference between justification and compassion. Have some COMPASSION!.
Some of you people are so petty and judgemental, you'd think you used to be JW's or something!
ps: ditto on what horrible life said!
It is my suggestion that if Seth is the one full of bologna here, making up lies about Richie, then it should behoove Richie to simply show up and clear the air of those false claims. This suggestion, btw, is really much more of a kindness to Richie, in my view. Especially so if Seth is lying. Which very few now believe.
Like many others have already said, it really does not matter in my life what he does here on out. I will not lose any sleep either way.
But if Richie Rich wants to show up here again, sharing all kinds of interesting and wild stories and very specific personal accounts, then for me (and I'd guess a few others) it would be nice to know he's not laying on us some good ole fabrications.
It's really that simple.
I don't care where he worked. I don't care if he never works at all. But I do care if somebody shows up on this site (or any) simply blowing smoke in my face.
If Richie Rich wants to maintain a measure of credibility here, as far as I am concerned, then don't make things up. And if he did not make things up, then one would assume he'd take the time to set the record straight.
And if he did make things up (as I suspect now) then just be humble enough to say just that. Or maybe it was just a mix up of some kind.
Forgiveness is pretty easy to come by in my book.
But for you, or anybody else to suggest that such honesty is not owed anybody, or that he gets some kind of free pass because he was raised in the JW's, or that he owes nobody an apology, even if he did lie is not good for Richie himself and is certainly not appreciated by many here.
Accountability for our own actions is universally expected.