Richie's side, Seth's side... and a third side

by AlmostAtheist 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    I don't care what Richie or any of you do or don't do for a living.


    Hahaha, right on!

  • Vinny

    I see Cog edited her last comment a few times...

    In fact if he never mentions it again, the world will be fine.

    But I'll probably have much less interest in reading his wild stories in the future.

    That's all. So what if I don't care to read what he writes, this is not really worth arguing over. I hope he stands up and either admits he lied, or better yet proves that what Seth has posted is wrong.

    But to just go forward without saying anything at all, from my perspective, tells me he was busted making up a bunch of stories. That's my opinion.

    As a mother, I can appreciate your concern for him. And I do mean this. But I too am a Father. And tough love sometimes is really what's best when our kids make mistakes.

    I think this is one of those times.

    Have a good one. It's getting late, I am going down.



  • trevor

    This is great thread for insomniacs.

    I defy anyone to get to the end without falling asleep!

  • katiekitten

    OK heres my twopenneth, for what its worth.

    I have read all the comments and actually I dont see a bloodbath or a kangaroo court. I see a discussion forum discussing (its what we do right?) I see a lot of support for Ritchie and a lot of calls for him to come back. I think thats nice. I dont think it supports his statement that whatever he said people wouldnt believe him.

    I also see some people who would like RR to say something, anything, rather than just 'post and run'. I dont think people are calling for some kind of judicial committee. I dont think it is unreasonable to ask someone who has posted prolifically and made all sorts of assertions and statements to come and post a bit more and clarify those assertions and statements.

    If someone claims I am not a maths teacher, its not really a problem for me to make a couple of posts clarifying, even tho I would be thinking it was a bit unnecessary. If I had been a long standing and popular poster I wouldnt suddenly throw it all in and claim that nobody would believe me just because someone had questioned one of my previous assertions and then a discussion had ensued (on a discussion board, which it would, wouldnt it!)

    So I say Ritchie, get over it, it looks to me like you have a lot more support on here than you are aware of. No-ones demanding an apology, but unless you intend never to come back here (which would be a crying shame) it would be kind of weird to just say nothing as if it had never happened.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    The way i see it is that hes just a kid.Who didnt do daft things when they were kids.

    Anyway,im far more upset with idiots on here saying "not enough jw,s died in Dachau"than some stupid lie by a kid trying to make himself look big.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Maybe Ritchie is taking the High Road . . .


  • kerj2leev

    Maybe Ritchie is taking the High Road . . .

    Yep, that's it!

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I think this crap is hilarious. First of all if Richie did indeed say he worked at this place, then all you need to clarify is call the place up. If they say, "no that guy has never worked here" then Richie is a liar. Plain and simple. Case Closed. No need to jump to judgment you can just easily clarify and it's over. The guy who said this was obviously trying to stop annoying calls and probably having to explain every time that this guy does not and never has worked at his shop. Is this an invasion of privacy to tell us? Was it not an invasion Richie did when he told people he worked there?

    I think us ex-JW's are very naive and a little too faithful to friends. If you been on multiple message boards you always know to take whatever someone says with a grain of salt. If that person however tricks you or others you never take anything they ever say seriously again. Unless Richie comes to a meetup and I talk to him IN PERSON, he is just another dweeb who lied on the net to get attention.

  • LouBelle

    dogisgod: I totally agree with you.

    This has nothing to do with us - Richie & Seth got to sort it out.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Well it sort of does have something to do with us. Many people liked him on this message board and now he has thrown any faith or trust in him out the window, all with one silly little over exaggeration. Unfortunately this is just how things work on a board.

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