Burger Time - how does it personally effect you? How will your life be changed? It won't. Richie & Seth are big boys - let them sort this out like men.
Richie's side, Seth's side... and a third side
by AlmostAtheist 66 Replies latest jw friends
Superfine Apostate
OH MY GOD! richie did not work there! the watchtower was right after all! THE END IS COMMING!
seriously, people, get a life... stop being so... JW. -
Burger Time
It effects anyone who reads his post. No it does not make me go home and cry in my pillow. Nor does it stop me from working or anything else. But there is some bit of myself vested in the message board. So it affects me mentally, and anyone else who reads his post. I don't take personal insult, but I won't believe anything he says from now on.
But it's a forum on the internet and though I would like eveyone to be honest and one big happy family - it never will be - it just doesn't work that way and if people want it that way, cynical me says you're being naive.
As with regards to Richie - he's a "'kid"" he has a lot of growing up to do.
I've been reading this - and the other related threads.
While most of this deals with the way forums work - a parallel can also be drawn to real life. An example I am very familiar with is my wife's son who is about 17. He spins whoppers. I call them 'lies' - especially when he tells them to cover his butt on some other whopper he's already told. He can spin them as fast as he is cornered, too.
If he gets cornered with fact - he really gets vocal - louder and louder - as we all know - the louder one in an argument 'wins'. Well, I've told him that if he wants to get loud - he ain't talking to me.
Anyway... relating this to what has happened here, it appears that someone still has some growing up to do. He has gotten used to telling whoppers - and having folks believe him - and so tells bigger whoppers.
I am going to quote a poster - please do not be offended...
"LouBelle - Richie & Seth are big boys - let them sort this out like men."
...who then said...
"LouBelle - As with regards to Richie - he's a "'kid"" he has a lot of growing up to do."
I think that you contradicted yourself.
Anyway... Ritchie is NOT a man... until he owns up to whatever lies/whoppers he has told - even if it means that he looks foolish for telling such whoppers. It's all part of growing up - and becoming a man.
Funny thing is... some folks - even after they're grown up - still tell whoppers - and lies - and get away with it. Many of these folks are called politicians.
Jim TX
I know this is way out there...but it's daylight, again, and everything in my apt still works. I'm going to work and there doesn't seem to be a problem with that either. The coffee even tastes the same.
Maybe this isn't such a big deal, and if it is, then maybe theres some stuff away from the computer that is being neglected?
Remember back when it took longer for the computer to come on than to brew the coffee? Isn't it amazing how some things have become so damn important and taken the place of real life?
I know this is way out there...but it's daylight, again, and everything in my apt still works. I'm going to work and there doesn't seem to be a problem with that either. The coffee even tastes the same.
Same here. My overall quality of life is still intact.
Maybe this isn't such a big deal, and if it is, then maybe theres some stuff away from the computer that is being neglected?
You mean our online lives are not the most important things? Damn!
Remember back when it took longer for the computer to come on than to brew the coffee?
Try running Vista. You'll have time to BBQ a steak too!
Lots of water under the bridge - "Let it be". RR - hope you have a peaceful and blessed day! Seth - hope you have a peaceful and blessed day! This whole thing won't mean shit to a tree in time.
Which should have been the side in the first place instead of the goddamn bloodbath that happened.....
i gotta agree about that statement.......... there was no reason for thread after thread to be posted talking about rich.
go count how many threads people started about it.............. first off it wasnt any of their business ......... yet post away they did and opinions..................... are like a$$holes.......... everyone has one and everybody elses stinks.
PERSONALLY I LIKE RICHIES WHOPPERS. he makes me laugh my a$$ off and i hope to read many many more. this bulls*** has changed NOTHING about how i will view him.
now should he have given out the shops phone number?............ nah that was a mistake yeah. if he claimed to do anything else that he didnt really do............ ah well sometimes the story isnt quite the same without a little exageration. hell his piericeing tales could be born of something he WANTS to go learn professionally how to do and i say more power to him.
my question is............ WHO WAS HURT BY ANYTHING RICHIE SAID?
NOBODY.............. no one at all.
Nathan Natas
"Who was hurt by anything Richie said?"
Richie knows the answer to that question.
For one, he's hurt Seth, a friend who Richie took advantage of.
I'm inclined to be like Thomas in this matter:
"Unless I ...stick my hand into his side, I will certainly not believe."
In High School Richie seemed to be doing great. At least that's what he told us. I could identify a bit. A long time ago, >I< was in High School (yes, they did have High School "back then."). If only I had been as confident as Richie seemed to be. But my life has always been far more mundane than that, and I have always been honest about that. I have limited experience with social pathologies, and I'm dumb as a brick, so I tend to take people at their word.
Out of High School, supposedly thrown out of his parents' home, he got a job managing a chicken joint. A respectable job, a job with responsibilities. A job with a career path. Supposedly Richie was also going to college. We applauded the soon-to-be manager, offering suggestions about optimizing career paths. Don't make the same mistakes I made, young man... But he left that to work at Wal*Mart. HUH? Wonder why... Oh well, that's the "impetuousness of youth." But they like him there, too. He's on the upward track there. Others cannot help but see the greatness that is Richie. Wait, wait... now he's a "Cooler" at some local club. Very cool. The inner-sanctum of macho. One night, three guys take offense at Richie's stand for law and order and righteousness, and they waylay him after closing. WOW, Richie puts 'em all in a world of hurt! Cops think Richie was the bad guy, so he spends the night in the slammer while they sort it out. Next day a pat on the back from those who protect and serve, and Riche is back in action. [Who's writing this stuff, Stan Lee?] Is Richie really a personal friend of THE Batman? Maybe... can't say... Very, very cool! Oops! The bad guys strike again, and Richie limps back to his Fortress of Solitude somewhere in the dunes of the Outer Islands. Then -- what's this? -- cardiac problems? in a 19 year old? Ouch, this is not good.
Then, silence.
Concerned friends want to know what has happened. Those with access to his blog leave a string of messages: "Where are you? Are you OK" No reply. Following the trail of evidentiary crumbs, they arrive at the other end of Seth's telephone.
SETH: "Yeah, I know him. No, he doesn't work here. No, he never did, he was a customer. Yes, he's OK. He's been in jail for stealing money from a former employer. No, he's not a jedi Tat-master, not even a TAT-paduan. No, he's not a bouncer, are you kidding? No, he's never been involved in the single-handed dispensation of Justice to Al Capone's mob; didn't you hear me the first time? No, he wasn't gut-stabbed and didn't require surgery, are you deaf? Yeah, He'll be getting out in a couple of weeks and go back to his job doing whatever somewhere. Yeah, glad to help. Bye"