tijkmo, there are many facts to support evolution. I have compiled a list for you to look through.
but why would you think i would want to waste time wading thru 'evidence' to support evolution..what possible good would it do me? i don't want to believe in it. it gives me no basis for hope whatsoever.
While I am loathe to quote Wikipedia, it does actually give a very good explanation scietific theory and what it means:
it gives a good explanation for those who wish to choose to believe what it says...who was it that came up with that definition that a theory is essentially a fact that can't be proved but must be accepted as a fact simply because it can't be disproved - until such time as it can be.
You were even stupid enough to state recently that you did not believe that a "sparrow could become an eagle".....lol showing a complete ignorance of the subject at hand.
i don't believe a sparrow can become an eagle...so yes that may well make me ignorant of the ' present facts'...but stupid i most certainly am not. unless of course you have a dictionary that defines ignorant as stupid with no other definition in which case i would have to accept that unless of course there is another dictionary that defines it differently in which case - cue head explosion..
and that is the point isn't it - of faith, self deceit, definitions, theoretics etc etc. :- anyone with an agenda can formulate a theory and 2 or more people with different agendas can look at the same 'facts' and come up with different conclusions...an evolutionist can look at bones and fossils and see proof of evolution - someone who believes in a god will look at the same evidence as proof of creation.(they may both be scientists)... 2 different doctors will look at a patient and one will demand a blood transfusion and one will not...2 detectives may come to different conclusions on the guilt of an accused person..2 jurys may do the same..2 judicial commitees likewise.
personally i'm past caring...but i do find it amusing that folk who believe evolution are as annoyed in my lack of desire to accept as gospel (sic) what they believe as those who want me to believe in creation are. this stuff just never gets old. anymore than the annoyance that their belief is based on faith just as much as belief in a god because they won't accept the definition of the word faith due to its biblical/religious connatations.
i was thinking about theoretics recently while watching golf - if you take any given golf course i'm sure that you will find that different people at different times have scored a hole in one at each of the par 3s, an eagle at the par 4s, and an albatross at the par 5s whether this be by flukes or by brilliant golf. On a regular par 72 (4 par 3s, 4 par 5s, 10 par 4s) course then, that theoretically proves that it is possible to play the course in 32 shots. i have faith that this is possible - i have no doubt that it ain't never* gonna happen..not by me nor by tiger
(*ain't never - yes i know - move on)
and now on a lighter note ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOzVkSFnKxI