They were in the ark for such a long time, must have been pretty messy not to mention unhealthy, must have been a high mortality rate, causeing wide spead disease, and death due to the very unsanitary condition in that ark? Imagine being locked up in that mess for a moment.
What Did Noah Do With All The Animal manure Piling Up In the Ark?
by frankiespeakin 59 Replies latest social humour
LMFAO at the title. I suppose Jah took the urge for a good healthy one away from the animals till it was all over!
He used it to fertilize his hydroponic ;)
S -
OR, maybe they used it to fertilize the garden they grew on the ark........
Are you the one who asked where did Noah get drinking water? To which I answered: "He drank rain water".
Well, as for the animal shit: he shoveled it off the ark into the water.
I don't believe in a global flood, but honestly, some things are no brainers.
changeling (feeling testy in the new year)
Someone explained to me that if the moon came from part of the earth, then the amount of water it displaced could have created a flood. Look at a globe of the world and notice all the continents seem to fit together around most of the world, except when you look at the wide open Pacific Ocean. There is a massive gap there that could in theory have fitted something as big as the moon.
Well at least you can wonder the next time you look at a globe. Just thinkin'.... .
<VOICE="Fred Franz">Doubtless the Almighty God used some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of putrifying crap.</VOICE>
I bet Mrs.Noah, made sure that Mr. Noah always washes his hands after he finished his shoveling chores and sat down to eat, or before he lay down with her to pratice his become fruitful and multiplication skills.
If you're looking for a wacky answer here's one: Jehovah placed the shit into a black hole.
My mother believes Jehovah will put nuclear waste in black holes after Armageddon, so why not elephant shit?
changeling (feeling testy in the new year)
I've heard burning camel dung keeps the bugs away. The rest? Over the side.