I've been on a diet for a year and a half and have lost 130 pounds
GOOD FOR YOU!!! Any encouragement any of us can give I am sure helps...
Weight loss has slowed down, so I need more focus and more exercise.
Yep...you have reached a common plateau.... now its about building muscle mass and doing more cardio to lose that stubborn last pounds/fat/inches.
YOUR goal..it is very reasonable.... cardio is a good way to lose fat.... and understand that we all need a certain number of calories just to exist... called our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)..which is the amount of calories if needed if you just stayed in bed all day......and 1386 calories is probably OK for resting metabolism... but it NOT for the additional excersise you will (and should) be doing. (edited to add...shocking to think you need that many calories just to exist...so if you are eating less than 1500, its probably not enough) As long as your calories burned exceeds calories consumed, you should be fine. Usually, if I recall, 500-600 calories additional calories are needed for a moderate work out routine. Otherwise the body robs itself of needed nutrients that are being used to build muscle. Then the body starts to stockpile calories when you eat again because it remembers that you didnt eat.... And dont forget muscle weighs more than fat.... so at some point, you might actually gain a few pounds (thats what is happening for me)...
Its different for men and women, different ages, etc..... remember different types of excercise accomplish different things...anaerobic excercise builds power and muscle..and is short duration.... anything over 2 minutes becomes aerobic (walking, swimming, cycling..other activity performed over a longer time).... see this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaerobic_exercise and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Exercise_zones.png )
Be careful about your eating patterns and what you eat, especially right before and right after you excercise... if you can, get to a nutritionist or a trainer who has some knowledge of proper nutrition.... I am not certified to give any specific advice other than what has helped me personally.
Me, I don't need to lose weight... (5' 5.5" and 140lbs)...(please dont hate me..LOL).... I do need to continue to reduce BMI a little and body fat % a bit..and strengthen my core...I used to be a lot stronger all around when I worked at UPS...need to get it back....
I have been working out with a trainer twice a week for an hour each time for several months...and I am seeing results...I am working on hitting the gym more in between...(getting ready to go now in fact) ...slowly building up my excerise equipment here at the house....so I can work out in front of the TV instead of being a couch potato.
I wish you well in your continued efforts at good health...diets are bad and short-term....lifestylechanges are good and long-term
Snakes ()