Why socialism will not work in America...

by zeroday 254 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    My argument was that America sends out those she considers "scum" to protect the interest of the monied elite.

    No it was not. It was never your argument. Your text upthread proves it. You are now waffling and changing your story because you realize you put your foot in it. Be a big man and just apologize will you?


  • journey-on
    'It is statements', not 'It's statements'

    Your stupidity is showing again, H.S. "It's" is what is called a contraction. It's a contraction of the two words it and is.....dumbass.

  • Mincan

    Your comment tells me all I need to now about you. You are "scum". There is that nicer with quotes?

    Sorry, not going to bite. Quotation marks (not quotes) or not, your intention is clear.

    Something to consider, if I were really trying to insult those that serve in the United States army, why would I have brought up all the other stuff around the demographics in the same post?

    Let's see my first post on this thread was a reply to a statement:

    I'm inclined to believe those of you that rant against the American system are those that have failed to take advantage of it. You've failed in some way and are disappointed to the degree that you want to blame anything and anybody but yourselves for your failures or your lack of achievement. Oh no! It couldn't be because you were lazy or unmotivated or too heavy into partying. It HAS to be the rotten ole American system beating down the poor and disadvantage.

    Then I said:

    You could say that the people that propogate this sort of system are the ones that have nothing to lose.

    Not to mention the lunacy that is the American army, composed of the "scum" the country cannot keep at home.

    I mention that the people that support the "American Dream" ("this sort of system") are the ones that have the interest in doing so ("those with nothing to lose, aka the monied interest) They have nothing to lose because they.... send in the Army composed of... the ... "scum" (quotation marks indicating word being used is not in the author's opinion the correct one, but rather how someone else would describe it, thus the need for said quotation marks as they are not my words....)
    "that the country cannot keep at home". Why can't they keep them at home? Well it's more profitable for them to be blown to bits protecting corporatism, rather than on welfare, if they manage to be eligable, otherwise they can fill the prisons and ghettos. There is no opinion in here from me other than the American system is corrupt. If you see something else, you choose to see it.

  • BurnTheShips
    I find it highly offensive, you're term "Scum" in referance to people in disadvantaged parts of the USA, poverty and lack of employment while you back tract be awear of fruedian slips.

    This must be a parallel universe. I finally agree with Frankie.

  • BurnTheShips
    I find it highly offensive, you're term "Scum" in referance to people in disadvantaged parts of the USA, poverty and lack of employment while you back tract be awear of fruedian slips.

    This must be a parallel universe. I finally agree with Frankie.

  • frankiespeakin


    Think about what young guy that has it made, his parents have money and they can easily afford to send him to any school, is he more likely going to enlist? Or is the disavantaged one more likely to enlist with the offers made by the military?.

  • beksbks
    Republicans tend to have more children than Democrats. You guys underbreed.

    Ahhh yes, well, because we are conscientious, and are not inclined to be fruitful and multiply as ordered by .......Odin, no wait, Sauron........? You are correct, we have an ugly problem in front of us.

  • BurnTheShips
    Your stupidity is showing again, H.S.

    He picks on your spelling because he is out of an argument and he knows it. Keep an eye out for his. He screws up from time to time. It is an endearing idiosyncrasy.

  • brinjen

    Geez... doesn't take much offend certain people around here. Not to mention the mind reading going on too. They're called quotation marks for a reason.

  • Mincan
    They're called quotation marks for a reason.

    Thanks Brinjen. (Shall I emphasis the fact you come from a commonwealth country.... , no that could be misconstrued...)

    Just not sure as this poster has Mongolia listed as location, is her native language English?

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