Why socialism will not work in America...

by zeroday 254 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks
    My daughter-in-law used an excellent analogy when explaining this to her 13-yr. old:
    "You work hard for that straight A report card, don’t you?"
    "Yes, I do."
    "Now, what if I told you that Katie, who doesn’t work very hard and is perfectly content to make C’s and D’s thinks it’s unfair that you get all those A’s. She wants some of your A’s. So, here’s what I’m going to do…I’m going to take a few of the A’s you worked for and give them to her. You can replace them with a few of her C’s and D’s. Now you are even.
    But, that’s not fair! I worked hard for my A’s.
    Yes, but, Katie doesn’t have any. She wants some of what you worked for! If we give her some of yours, then everybody will have the same share! Everybody will be even…

    May I ask exactly what lesson was trying to be taught here? And just how the hell does your daughter in law presume to know how the "Katie" character actually lives? What a simplistic, ridiculous, selfish, viewpoint. Great lesson for a child. Another fear mongering Republican conservative in the making.

  • BurnTheShips

    Mincan are these the statistics you are referring to?


    R's Hubby

    There you go. The middle class are the backbone of the country.


  • frankiespeakin


    I find it highly offensive, you're term "Scum" in referance to people in disadvantaged parts of the USA, poverty and lack of employment while you back tract be awear of fruedian slips.

    While it may be true that the US armed forces use a an education as a lure especially appealing to the disavantadged which is very sad, and which persons should have our pity, especially now.

  • BurnTheShips
    May I ask exactly what lesson was trying to be taught here? And just how the hell does your daughter in law presume to know how the "Katie" character actually lives? What a simplistic, ridiculous, selfish, viewpoint. Great lesson for a child. Another fear mongering Republican conservative in the making.

    Best get used to it methinks. Republicans tend to have more children than Democrats. You guys underbreed. Seeing that most people tend to vote more like their parents than otherwise, it sounds like a permanent recipe for political minority status. Most gratifying.

    Demographics is warfare in slow motion. And a womb is the world's most powerful weapon. Game over.

  • Mincan

    You just posted an ad hominem slur against the hundreds of thousands of US service members. You called them "scum". I know some of this "scum". They are far better human beings than you will ever be.

    You are doing it again.

    Let's settle this, if you don't recognise the significance of the quotation marks around the word then I have no interest in debating with you. Plus the fact you believe you know me well enough to judge me as a human being from a few posts on a message board.

  • journey-on
    May I ask exactly what lesson was trying to be taught here?

    If you have to ask...........well........

    It's a very good analogy if you know what this topic is about.


    And just how the hell does your daughter in law presume to know how the "Katie" character actually lives?

    And what does that have to do "with the price of eggs?"....uh?


    Great lesson for a child.

    You're right. It is.

  • beksbks

    I know exactly what this topic is about, quite possibly better than you.

    If you have to ask...........well........

    Well, what?

  • Mincan

    I suppose I was too sutble for you.

    My argument was that America sends out those she considers "scum" to protect the interest of the monied elite.

    No, actually, this was:


  • hillary_step

    Journey On,

    You are so much more small minded than what you try to portray, HS. It's statements like this that give you away, not to mention your poor spelling and grammar. Go back and reread all the claptrap you have written on just this one post. Nothing you have written is worthy of acknowledgement, yet some of the more adept brains have been patient with your attempt at intellectualizing your spew. My Government professor would have laughed at your idiotic rhetoric as you attempt to pull out your mediocre knowledge of history, government, political science, and above all, sociology. I picture you as a pathetic little man living in your father's shadow, fat, lazy, and trying desperately to be somebody respectable.

    lol....Seems like I hit a sensitive nerve, I can hear you panting from here.

    It's statements like this that give you away, not to mention your poor spelling and grammar.

    That should actually read, 'It is statements', not 'It's statements'. Please check with your Government professor if you are unsure about your grammar.

    Honestly, all this ire because I suggested that Paris Hilton, a daughter of Capitalism itself, might be interested in your political ideas and my describing you as an absolute dumbass...or was it complete dumbass...I have quite forgotten. ;)


  • BurnTheShips
    Plus the fact you believe you know me well enough to judge me as a human being from a few posts on a message board.

    Your comment tells me all I need to now about you. You are "scum". There is that nicer with quotes?


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