I think people align themselves to the ideologies that they wish to live their own life by. Pure capitalism will implode on itself sooner or later and that's when people riot and demand their fair share of the pie, which then result in laws being made that do redistribute wealth.
Anything that stands in the way of profits, investment and growth – the rights and wages of labour, environmental standards, taxes, human rights ofcommunities whose survival resources are often appropriated – is thus naturally seen as an obstacle to progress. Any serious conception of substantive democracy (for instance one that involves worker participation in decision-making within the company, or the entitlement of affected communities to defend their right to livelihood and way of life) thus naturally stands in the way of capitalist progress
The reason that workers today have better working conditions, wages, benefits and laws can for the most part be attributed to unions. Unions in the USA have been under attack for years now and in fact there have been some heavy laws passed by the governments in their attempt to destroy the unionization of America. In order for capitalism to work, a profit must be made and to a corporation it doesn't matter how that happens. Corporations are not necessarily nationalists so if Bill Gates or General Motors wants to pick up and move to Africa (just an example) because they can make 1,000 times the profit, destroying land and resources in that country and causing a major economic upheaval in the lives of their current employees in the USA, they could care less. It's all about the money. In this method of operation, that same corporation may then create another new business and rehire those workers for 25% of their previous pay and fully expect them to be grateful for that job while they again set up a very hefty profit margin for themselves. Now - if you are the guy who lost his job and now working for that 25%, you are of course never supposed to complain - even as you cash in your pension funds to live on, give up your life insurance and health insurance because you can't afford it and basically within a few years are living on fumes. If you complain, you'll be told that it's all your fault for not saving, or not going to school longer, or being in the wrong profession, or not working hard enough, not having more than one job, taking that day off to go camping, spending a dollar more for that coffee once a month or splurging on a fast food dinner once a year. When your pension is all gone because you got sick - the $200,000. that you had saved up for retirement but lost to hospital bills when your health insurance got cancelled when the corporation ended your 2,000 jobs - well that sucks but it's your fault for that too. Then you get to hear what a drain on society you are because now you have to rely on a government program like social security or medicare. Who want's sick or old people around anyway..what do you think this is??? A socialist country??? sammieswife.