The Beatles - Your Favorite Songs or Albums from Them ?

by flipper 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria

    Sorry Flip, I just stumbled accross this song (Marley did a version back when!) and had to pull this up

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I love the fun of Love Me Do, Honey Don't, Please, Please Me, Shout, Do You Want to Know a Secret?

    In terms of music, my favorite albums are Rubber Soul and Revolver.

    As time has passed, I've come to have appreciation for such songs that sent me batty when they first released: Revolution Number 9, Why Don't We Do It in the Road, Within You, Without YOu, Blue Jay Way, Fixing a Hole..

    Obla di obla da was embarassing as a female teenager. I swear they screamed "bra" on purpose. Now I adore it.

    Yesterday is special. I am the Walrus and Come Together are special.

    I was a member of the original fan club. My membership card is valuable. They sent out an inexpensive vinyl records every Christmas -- just for fan club members. The record wore down after about thirty times. I was a total fool to throw them out. They must be valuable. I made a special trip to JFK (My JW parents took me) to see John and Paul arrive in the U.S. I saw George Harrison at both Bangladesh concerts. (waited on line until 4 am.). John Lennon appeared at a local antiwar demo to do Give Peace a Chance. The rain was pouring. Older people were worried about a faux fur coat I was wearing. John did a NY concert for a charity involved with the mentally retarded. The tickets disappeared immediately - I traipsed into Manhattan from Jersey and went to Geraldo's office (he was running the charity event) in the newsroom. They gave me tickets. Paul gave me tickets for his concert. I was very ill,, nearly dead. I wrote to this corporate office. I was stumped as to what to call him in a formal letter. Paul beat Sir Paul or Mr. McCartney.

    Great memories! Did anyone see Martin Scorcese's film on George Harrison on HBO?

  • designs

    Scorcese's film on George

    George's 'Something' is songwriting at its best.

  • leavingwt

    I listened to 'Help' as I was traveling today. This particular album has the very first, all-accoustic Beatles song, a song that features only Paul and a remake of a country song. What's not to like?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This thread has brought me much joy. Despite the Witnesses, the Beatles are special to us. John Lennon --my father became very opposed to him. I was almost killed for my devotion to Lennon. After they were so huge in fame and prestige, my father lectured me about John Lennon while wearing his undershorts. No good. No good. My father was abusive. I just thought of John and his wit. Rather than crying or feeling beaten, I almost laughed out at John's clout vs. my father's clout.

    I also attended John Lennon's memorial service in Central Park. It was beautiful. I worked so hard to not think about his murder. The New York Times said it was a turniing point for my generation coming into power b/c the networks covered the entire event live. People my age were finally having children. I was used to a young, single crowd. Many people brought their toddlers and preschoolers to the park. When they explained how a great man who made great music that mommy and daddy loved died, I cried. There were no vendors selling cheap trinkets so I grabbed a twig from the ground. It is currently on display in my living room.

    The Beatles had a safer, more middle class feel. They were like family in many respects. It certainly isn't only the music for me. I loved the wit and defiance of 50s culture. No one was cooler. I thought they had grown beyond parents or school. The Scorcese film on HBO motivated me to purchase the coffee table book. They relied heavily on their families. The music is so joyous. My life was better for the Beatles. They sustained me through my terror years. When I first started screeching it was only to imitate British girls. No one expected them to last more than a few months. Wow- around 50 years now.

    There should be a regular Beatles thread.

  • watson

    Leaving... I don't understand your post.

  • flipper

    WATSON- I believe Leaving WT is referring to the song " Yesterday " as the first all acoustic Beatle's song without drums or electric guitars- just acoustic guitar. And I believe in regards to the country song he may be referring to the song " Act Naturally " sung by Ringo. Correct me if I'm wrong Leaving WT. I agree that the album " Help " the Beatles were definitely growing out of the simple boy/girl relationship teenybopper themes and moving into more complex lyrics about " adult " love

  • finallysomepride


    The Beatles were a great band, but I prefer your Red Hot Chili Peppers thread

  • leavingwt


    Leaving... I don't understand your post.

    I apologize for my poor punctuation and for the lack of details.

    "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" was the very first all-acoustic Beatles track. (Dylan had inspired the fad of all-acoustic.)

    Paul is the only Beatle who participated in the recording of "Yesterday", as mentioned by Flipper, above. Of interest, also, is that the score by George Martin on this song is his first significant arranging contribution to The Beatles' catalog.

    "Act Naturally" was a 1963 Buck Owens country song.

  • leavingwt

    Flipper: There are three all-acoustic recordings on 'Help!'. We've mentioned two already. The third is "I've Just Seen a Face", which is one of my personal favorite Beatles songs.

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